Statement of Faith
That we may have unity among us, and that we all speak the same Truth regarding the foundation of our faith, and that with integrity we present our witness of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah as those who walk in His light,let it be hereby established that the Mid-Valley Fellowship holds…
1. That YHWH (The LORD) our God is One, there is no other besideHim, and He is expressly manifested in numerous ways. (Deut. 6:4, John 10:30, Eph 4:4-6).
2. That our Heavenly Father’s desire, purpose, care, and will for man has never changed. (1 Tim 2:4) His teachings and instructions (laws) are for us because He loves us, and were given for us to love one another. (Deut 33:2-3, Jn 13:34-35).
3. That Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah is the Word of God (Jn. 1:1), the Son of God manifested in the flesh, born of a virgin by the Holy Spirit (Lk 1:35), and is the fullness of the Godhead bodily. (Col. 2:9: We like to stay with scriptural terms and not man-made ones.)
4. That the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit (Ruach ha-Kodesh) is of the Heavenly Father and has never changed. (Jn 15:26, Jas 1:17).
5. That the Scriptures (Old and New Testaments) are the inspired, infallible Word of God (Elohim), and that they all testify of Yeshua (Jesus). (2 Tim 3:16, 2 Pet 1:21, Jn 5:39)
6. That salvation is by grace through faith (Eph 2:4-10), and that only by the shedding of the innocent blood of the Messiah upon the cross is there remission of sins. (Rom 3:24-26)
7. That YHWH (The LORD) calls sinners to repentance, to be born from above, to be baptized, which is by immersion, to confess their faith and bear witness to their salvation experience. (Acts 1:8, 2:38, Rom 10:9)
8. That the Law (Torah) has never redeemed anyone, only His grace through faith. (Gal 3:11)
9. That the Law (Torah) is foundational to our faith and is designed to bless the followers of the God of Israel. (Deut 28:1-14)
10. That the Festivals of YHWH, given to us in Leviticus Chapter 23, are appointed for His people to observe as His holy days, His holy convocations forever.
11. That the Shabbat (Sabbath), the seventh day of the week, is the created holy day of YHWH (The LORD) which He covenanted with His people as a sign forever. (Gen 2:2-3, Ex 31:16, Isa 58:13-14, Mat 12:8)
12. That Yeshua (Jesus) is indeed coming back again, so that where He is, we may also be. (Jn 14:3, 1 Thes 4:16)

Our Journey
The MVF Ministry grew from a need for a Hebrew Roots understanding of Scripture. This desire is to include all of Scripture in our everyday lives and realize that there is hope both in and outside our modern-day world.
Presently, there are many home fellowships in the general vicinity of Salem, Oregon, that adhere to Hebrew-based study. The people in these groups desired a more corporate worship assembly. MVF was established to meet this need while still ministering to people wanting to know more about Scripture, YHWH (God), and His Son Yeshua (Jesus).
In participating or attending MVF, we believe that you will find Scripture to be relevant, practical, rewarding, and life-changing. We are confident that the Messiah will reveal Himself to you in a complete way.

Our Mission
To follow YHWH (God) and His Ways though His Son Yeshua (Jesus). To encourage and strengthen each other towards our called out purpose. To give confidence to one another
through testimony, prayer, song, Biblical understanding, praise, and fellowship so that we can remain strong in the works of Yeshua (Jesus), the very One who has redeemed
and creates a new heart within us. Col. 3:9-17
Our Elders
MVF Ministry follows the early congregational model of the apostles of elderships, deacons, teachers, song leaders, facilitators, health ministers, administration, and prayer partners. Our leadership includes the talents and gifts of those willing to step forward and does not seek to set itself above others.

Rollyn and Angie Betts
503-428-1677Rollyn gives the “Common Thread” teaching each week, helping us find Yeshua throughout the scriptures. He is the author of the weekly “Rollyn’s Reads” articles. He is the show Host for the weekly radio show, “The Three Wise Guys” and is the manager for Hebrew Nation Radio. Angie is a Healing Consultant and is Rollyn’s faithful helpmate, his right hand, and prayer warrior.
Contact them at:
Email: Rollyn@mvfsilverton.com OR mvfstaff@mvfsilverton.com
Phone for Rollyn: 503-428-1677
Phone for Angie: 503-428-1565

David and Leslie Klug
David is a gifted teacher and author of the weekly “Klug’s Korner” articles. He is also a facilitator of one of the two midrash discussion groups. Leslie brings heart and love into our fellowship. She is known for her special and unique “Leslie hugs.”
Contact them at:
Phone: 541-460-1872

Ben and Melissa Juhl
Ben is a worship leader and teaches the teen Shabbat class weekly. Melissa is the Children’s Ministry Director, teaches the 5-9 yr old Shabbat Class and facilitates out-reach activities for all ages. She has coordinated youth outings, MVF Bowling Night, Women’s Retreat, and a Ladies Tea.
Contact them at:
Phone: 503-358-1015

Jay Fox
Jay is known for his smile, hospitality, friendliness and wisdom. He will make you feel welcome at MVF. He is also a great communicator and keeps in touch with us by text to let us know about special events or needs in the fellowship.
Contact him at:

Tuck Mayes
Tuck has been in Hebrew roots for many years and is a wise and a humble bond-servant of Yeshua. He also facilitates the Oneg meal each week, and makes sure that we are well fed! He is also a co-host on The Three Wise Guys radio show at Hebrew Nation Online.
Contact him at:
Email: charlesmayes569@gmail.com
Phone: 503-544-8730

Bill Ruff
Bill is a gifted facilitator of one of the two midrash discussion groups, where we get to learn from each other as we study the scriptures together. He wears many hats, has much wisdom, has a listening ear, and a loving heart. He is a faithful shepherd of the flock.
Contact him at: Email:gwruff88@gmail.com
Phone: 503-383-8547

Our Order of Service
We meet every Sabbath (Saturday) at:
606 N Second St
Silverton, OR 97381
12:20-1:20 – Oneg (Potblessing style fellowship with scripturally kosher food contributions)
1:30 – 2:00 – Congregational Prayer Service & Welcome
2:00-2:30 – Praise, Worship & Testimony
2:30-3:00 – Teaching (Common Thread)
3:00-4:00 – Midrash (Round table style Bible study)
4:00-4:30– Children’s Blessing, Announcements, blessings
4:30 – Dismiss