This beginning phrase describing VaYigash, makes me want to know who “he” is. What about you?
For those who are students of the Torah, they would recognize this title as belonging to an action done by Judah. But, a New Testament student of Scripture might assume that it is Yeshua, simply by the nature of the phrase. Is it possible that both might be right? Can the stories of the Torah lead each student to salvation?
Frankly, many want nothing to do with Torah. They want to define God as who they want Him to be. And sadly, they will turn to anyone who describes a god that matches their perception. But I will boldly state, that YHWH God is not up to “your” description. It’s not up to you or me to describe “Who God is”. It is the Holy Scriptures that makes the description and the Holy Spirit who reveals God the Father to us.
Even Yeshua known as Jesus, who claimed to be God in the flesh, stated, “If you had read Moses (The Torah), you would have known me.”
If you throw away Torah, how can anyone know the Messiah? It’s impossible. How do you think the Wise men found Yeshua? How did Herod? How did John the Baptist? How did the disciples know and find Him? How can we verify if Yeshua was and is the Messiah? To discredit the Torah is simply naïve.
Not only are there those who want to do away with Torah, but there are also those who want to deny Yeshua the Messiah as being divine. They want to classify Him as a “good man or prophet.” In doing so, they throw out the testimonies and prophecies found in the New Testament, and in the Torah.
My position? I can’t throw out the Torah and I can’t throw out Yeshua as the Messiah. Both the statutes of the Torah and the testimonies of the New Testament clearly point to YHWH presenting Himself in “Spirit and in the Truth.”
“In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with YHWH and the Word was YHWH,
He was in the beginning with YHWH.” John 1:1-2
In the beginning, YHWH created the heavens and the earth and the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of YHWH Elohim was moving over the surface of the waters. Then YHWH said, “let there be light” and there was light.” Genesis 1:1-3
Yeshua said, “I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12.
Dear reader, the concept of God and the acceptance of Messiah as light in your chaotic, dark-filled life is the only way to find peace in your spirit, soul and body. It can’t be any clearer. The Torah speaks of who Messiah is and the New Testament gives validation to the Torah and Writings. Everything is about Messiah and His ability to bring you back to YHWH.
Last week, I wrote about the Alev and Tav—the Beginning and the End. It was expressed in the story of Joseph as well as the prophecy of Haggai. In Yeshua, we find the “Treasury of the Glorious Rest” as well as the authority of the signet ring sealing those who fall down and worship the “True King.” And believe me, folks, this isn’t referring to anyone worshipping a normal man.
A revealing picture is given in the first part of this week’s Torah study. “Then Judah drew near.” (Gen. 44:18). It’s at this point that Judah confesses his sin and iniquity to Joseph. He comes clean and draws near to a Messiah figure who can provide life and salvation. Upon hearing this confession, Joseph is overwhelmed and he draws near to his brothers and says, “I am Joseph. . . and it was God who sent me to preserve you!”
Can you imagine the “treasury of glorious rest” that these “sons of Israel” felt when finally coming clean? Their world had been dark and empty due to the tremendous guilt of selling their brother. But once that sin was acknowledged, they not only fell before Joseph, but they embraced Joseph with all their heart.
My friends, how in the world do you think you can come to the throne of the Almighty without the “Son of Yah” interceding for you? If it wasn’t for Joseph, the sons of Jacob would have been destroyed by Pharoah. They would not have had refuge from the famine. The story of Joseph represents the son, doing the will of the Almighty One. In so doing, Joseph saved the seed of Abraham—the line of Messiah. Likewise, Yeshua did the will of YHWH and saved the seed of Adam—the entire world. The holiness of this concept cannot be overlooked. No “man” can save man for:
“the heart of man is deceitfully wicked.” Jeremiah 17:9
Like the brothers of Joseph, many have sold Messiah. They have denied the life of the Son who does the works of the Father. If you have found yourself in this position, it’s time to confess that iniquity just like Judah and embrace the Son of The Most High. He is salvation as spelled out in His Name—Yeshua. This is a salvation issue for we cannot be saved without His Testimony—His fulfillment of Yah’s Covenant!
Those who are saved at the end of this world are those who keep the commands of Yah (Torah) and the testimony of Yeshua (His blood and His life)—the Spirit and the Truth! (Rev. 14:12) These are not my words, but the words of Scripture. Please do not be fooled by false teachers, doctrines, philosophy, or personal desire or wisdom. The end is fast approaching and our understanding of The Word is paramount for our salvation.
Be Blessed