The study of Re’eh means to see or behold. So, what are we to see, and what are we to behold? Deuteronomy 11 tells us that we will receive blessings by following YHWH and cursing if we follow any other god. This makes sense in that YHWH is life-giving. He is spirit, and Spirit gives life (Jn.4:24).
So how do we “see” or “behold” a Spirit God that is immortal and invisible (I Tim. 1:17)? Some might go the way of the “flesh” and seek to make a god that can be seen. Others may choose a course of unbelief and deny the Spirit Who came in the flesh. (John 4:1-5). Amazingly, both belief systems operate in the flesh and not in the spirit, causing one not to see Abba Father in either direction.
There is a phrase that states, “misery loves company.” Yeshua made a statement to the Pharisees. He said:
“You travel over land and sea to win a single convert and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.” Matthew 23:15
Wow! Why would Yeshua make this statement against those who keep the Torah perfectly? Wouldn’t the Pharisees be blessed? Why would Yeshua call them a child of hell?
Some might say that Yeshua called out the Pharisees in that they added to the Torah. But, Yeshua also stated, “unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 5:20. So, which way is it?
Like us, the Pharisees learned to form barriers to keep the Torah perfectly. They took on the mantle of safeguarding the Torah so that blessings would be received and that their flesh would be protected. Likewise, can we make barriers to keeping the law without understanding life? Do we keep the blessing of grace without the wisdom of the Torah? Do we deny the spirit to live in the flesh?
I know many who form superstitious beliefs to justify the letter of the law. I’ve heard comments like, “so and so had a car accident because they didn’t follow Yah’s commandments, “ or so lost work because he disobeyed. On the other side of the river, a Christian states that a person receives the curse of poverty because they haven’t given up the law. Have you ever heard these types of statements?
Though for us to be a son of Abba, we must understand that “Yah causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and unrighteous.” (Matt. 5:45). So again, what is the key that can cause us to truly see?
Have you ever noticed what happens to you when your spirit becomes crushed? King Solomon tells us that bones dry up when this happens. So, wouldn’t it make sense to fight against spiritual forces that crush our spirit? Typically, when someone becomes a Pharisee and pounds the “letter of the Law” in someone’s face, it’s because their spirit most likely has been broken. Therefore, they put up false or manmade boundaries. Superstitious people may have taken on a spirit of fear because of an unexplained episode in their life. No matter what, we are told to put on Yah’s armor in heavenly places and wrestle. If this weren’t true, the text would only include armor that protects. But we all know that a sword is not a catcher’s glove. A sword strikes, pierces and attacks.
In my Christian days, I was taught that the sword is only the Bible. And yes, Yeshua used the “word” of Torah to defeat Satan when tempted. But Yeshua also cast out demons. He pierced stubborn spiritual flesh to bind and release. His sword was one of righteousness—a light that cut into the darkness. Likewise, David’s mighty men cleared the realm of Satan’s presence of the Jebusite, Hittite, and Canaanite habits we all like to carry. David’s men loved David and David loved God—therefore, they did the works of the Kingdom with mighty swords.
The Church of Ephesus in the book of Revelation received correction from the Most High, not because they didn’t keep the law, but because they “left their first love.” So why would keeping the love of the Messiah in our hearts be greater than the rules of the Pharisees? May I suggest that it is He who pierces the darkness in your spirit? He shines light into the hopeless. He breaks the chaos. Likewise, an apostle of the Messiah wields that same sword of light—the Word (Eph. 6) to release the captives to set them free so that they can “SEE and BEHOLD.” If the spirit is in line with its Maker, the flesh will soon be a new person.
Are you willing to use your sword to cut away the darkness? Do you know The Word enough to do so? Are you ready to take a broken spirit to the foot of the cross so it can look up? It may take a warrior’s spirit to do so.
When the Israelites under Saul’s command faced Goliath, was it a spiritual or physical battle? The giant who was facing Israel mocked the Name of God. Therefore, it became a spiritual battle. But the Israelites became only spectators on the sports field and could not “see” the real battle at hand. On the other hand, David “saw” the spiritual fight before him and therefore had no fear. David was not a spectator but became the needed warrior. After killing Goliath with one spirit-directed stone, David drew the giant’s sword and cut off the “head of spiritual darkness,” causing Israel to “behold” the Living King.
How can we see and behold? How can we cut off the head of spiritual darkness? Consider your spirit given to you by the Life Creator—it was meant for a purpose. Do not let your heart be crushed by fear, self-righteousness, or a judgmental attitude. Nor should you allow someone else to degrade or mock the spirit given to you by Yah. Do not take on the accuser’s darts that seek destruction. You have been predestined to be a co-heir into His Kingdom. So like Elisha’s servant—ask to see the real battle at hand and take courage in His Mighty Hand. For, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the schemes or lies of the devil.
Be blessed this Sabbath,
Excellent Word!!