B’reshiyt (Genesis) 1:1 – 6:8, YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 42:5 – 43:11; Yochanan (John) 1:1-17; Revelation 22:6-21 By building relationships with this Sukkot, some of our like-minded mishpocha increasingly desire to live in a community. We’re talking about how living in separate dwellings on a big piece of property could work for us. Taking it one step…
Author: MVF Silverton
Is Our End Determined by the Beginning?
There is no greater need for Yeshua our Messiah than right now. What has occurred in Israel this last week should wake us up to the fact that evil resides on this earth. The influence of satan and his minions has corrupted souls and DNA with a hatred that knows no bounds. Whether you believe…
What Can You Bring to Sukkot?
First Day of Sukkot – Shabbat: Lev 22:26- 23:44; Num 29:12-16; Zech 14:1-21; Rev 21:1-7 Exo 33:12- 34:26; Num 9:17-25; Ezek 38:18 – 39:16 ; John 7:37-44 Shemini Atzeret: Deut 14:22-16:8; Num 29:35-30:1; 1 Kings 8:54-66; Matt 17:1-9; Mark 12:28-33 What can I bring for Sukkot to bless the brethren? That’s the kind of question…
The Song of the Prodigal
Ha’azinu, Give Ear – D’varim (Deut) 32:1-52; Shemu’el Bet (II Samuel) 22:1-51; Romans 10:14 – 11:12 Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement Readings – Leviticus 16:1-34; 18:1-30; Numbers 29:7-11; Isaiah 57:14 – 58:14; Book of Jonah; Matthew 25:31-46; Romans 3:21-26; 2 Corinthians 5:10-21 The guy was a loser. At an immature, young age, he dared to…
Rock vs Man!
This week I was in Castle Valley Utah alongside the Colorado River, surrounded by massive red rock structures. The quietness of the place overwhelmed me as I kept trying to hear sound. I had to stop everything to listen. When I did, I could “hear” for miles. The study of Ha’azinu means to “give ear.”…
Hannah’s Prophecy of the Second Coming of Messiah
Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpets) B’reshiyt (Genesis) 21:1-34; B’midbar (Numbers) 29:1-6; Shemu’el Alef (1 Samuel) 1:1 – 2:10; I Thessalonians 4:13-18 During these end times of tribulations and tyranny, what deliverance do we have to look forward to? Who can rescue us? When Ha’satan seems to have the upper hand in every realm of authority…
Are You Ready for a Trumpeter?
The sound of a trumpet seems to cut the air like nothing else. Its musical presence can alert, direct, and even pierce the soul. A favorite trumpeter of mine is Phil Driscoll, known for his breathtaking scales and magnificent performances. He has played for four U.S. Presidents and other world figures. At one time, he…
Preparing for the Second Coming!
Nitzavim ‘Standing’ – Devarim (Deut) 29:10 – 30:20; Isaiah 61:10 – 63:9; Romans 9:30 – 10:13 VaYelekh ‘And He Went’ – Devarim 31:1-30; Hosea 14:1-9; Joel 2:15-27; Micah 7:18-20; Romans 1:1-18 The world is sensing something big is about to happen. Many call it ‘The Great Reset.’ Somebody is about to come and make a…
Can a Fool Enter in?
An old proverb says, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Many are predicting government efforts to fool people in America once again. Rumors of lockdowns to win elections and forced vaccines for complete compliance are running rampant. Will America be fooled again? I think it will. But what about…
Release from the Restrainer
Ki Tavo – When You Go Forth Devarim (Deut) 21:10 – 25:19 YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 54:1-10 Matthew 5:27-32; 1 Cor 5:1-5 The children of this world are casting off all restraint to do whatever their flesh and mind-controlling powers direct them to do. ‘Lawlessness’ and “Do what thou wilt” is running rampant in our society today. …