Are you tired of being sick and tired? Are you tired of fear and anxiety? There is an answer. It is found in YHWH. Some might think that the God of Torah or Law is a vengeful God who is constantly condemning His people when they sin. Whereas, Yeshua (Jesus) is the “nice guy.” But…
Author: MVF Silverton
Bigger Than Any Mountain
Behar, On the Mount; Bechuqotay, In My Statutes, Customs (gathering together on Shabbat and the festivals are customs of the people of YHWH our Elohim) Vayiqra (Leviticus) 25:1 – 27:34 YirmeYahu (Jeremiah) 32:6-27; 16:19 – 17:14 Luke 4:16-21; John 14:15-21; 15:10-12 Sometimes I feel so small and the mountains I face seem so insurmountable. My…
You Want me to Submit?
Last week, a good friend was sharing with me on Hebrew Nation Radio, how certain Torah concepts seem hard to understand for casual readers. This of course got us thinking. What if Torah passages were met with a question such as, “Where is Messiah in the particular passage?” We both agreed that this approach allows…
Don’t Profane, Proclaim the Name!
Emor, (Say, Strength from the Headwaters) Vayiqra (Lev) 21:1 – 24:23 Yechezqel (Ezekiel) 44:15-31 Kefa Alef (I Peter) 2:4–10 Ever need to stop by a friend’s house, but they didn’t want you to come? Why would that be? Because they’d be embarrassed if you saw their place. But then because of an urgent matter you…
When Death Was Arrested
Acharei Mot, After the Death and Qedoshim, Holy Ones Vayiqra (Lev) 16:1 – 20:27 Ezekiel 20:2-20; 22:1-19; Amos 9:7-15 Romans 3:19-28; 9:30 – 10:13,Galatians 3:10-14 Matthew 5:33-48, 15:1-11; I Peter 1:13-21 The greatest fear people face in life is the fear of death. There is no escaping its inevitability. Forces of evil manipulate even young…
Defeating Sin: Can it be Done?
We are told that Biblical commands give us life and are not too hard to follow (Deuteronomy 30:11) But when it comes to faith or belief, there is no mention of these being comfortable. Faith requires a heart and soul commitment, which does not come easy from our sin-filled flesh. So how do the stories…
Does Holy Inspection Separate?
I don’t know very many people who enjoy being evaluated. It seems we all enjoy a bit of privacy. The first time I met my vocal coach, he asked me all kinds of questions during his assessment to find out if he wanted me as a student. I was confident he would accept me on…
What’s the Hang-up?
Tazria, She conceived, & Metzora, Cleansing the Leper Vayiqra (Leviticus) 12:1 – 13:59; 14:1 – 15:33 Melekim Bet (II Kings) 4:42 – 5:19; 7:3-20 Matthew 8:1-4, 9:20-26, 11:2-6; Mark 5:24-34 Have you ever felt hung up and don’t know how to get down and get moving in life? Does anyone have to be held up…
Survive? Overcome!
Scripture Readings for the Feasts of Passover, the Days of Unleavened Bread, and for Firstfruits: Exodus 12:1-51; 13:12 – 34:26; Numbers 28:16-31 Joshua 5:2-6; 2 Kings 23:1-9; 21-25; Ezekiel 36:37 – 37;14; 2 Samuel 22:1-51 John 13:1 – 17:26; 19:31 – 20:1; Luke 22:1-7; 24:13-52; 1 Corinthians 5:1-8; 15:20-23 For days now, the snow has…
What Does Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread Mean to You?
Over the years, there have been many discussions on how to honor these “Set Apart Days.” How to celebrate, when to celebrate, and whether we should celebrate at all, are topics that have been around for thousands of years. Moshe Gold wrote an article for in 2013 that addressed the history surrounding the early…