Common denominators of evil are becoming rapidly transparent in the world today. A New World Order of artificial intelligence built entirely on lies and deception seeks to destroy life, bringing us to a “famine in the land” devoid of Yahweh and His Laws, in an effort to create a new god. Can the agenda…
Author: MVF Silverton
What are the Purposes of Yahweh?
For many, it’s hard to come clean. Our pride gets in the way when we become compelled to admit our belief system may be flawed or that a participative action was misplaced. When this happens, some of us may just confess, but the temptation to skirt the admission and to offer a solution of friendship…
How Do We Find Rest in Chaos?
Are you longing for a rest? Many of us find rest when we experience a vacation. It’s typically a time to refresh ourselves; to gain a new perspective. In the book of Genesis, Joseph went on “a vacation.” But his vacation was brought to him through the not-so-kind intentions of his brothers. His experience involved…
What is the Value of a Man?
In a world where “maleness” is becoming classified as something to be softened, controlled, or frowned upon, I would like to cover three critical areas when approaching the value and purpose of men. And no, the existence of men is not limited to the act of pro-creation. It is much broader than this and can…
Where’s Your Faith Man?
Back in the day of training horses, my father and I were traveling to California with a full load of horses, gear, and feed in a large Peterbilt semi horse rig. With no warning, one of the springs in the front wheel axle broke, which immediately began to pull us towards a cliff and the…
What Path Should I Take?
Do you struggle to know God? Maybe you want to know Him more because you are experiencing certain circumstances in your life that seem unresolvable. Maybe you have stress in your home. Or maybe, you just want to know He is real. No matter what the reasons, this Torah section is for you. Are you…
Thanksgiving! Yes, I am keenly aware that Thanksgiving is not Biblical Feast Day. Though can we agree that giving thanks is a healthy solution for Shalom? As we partake with relatives and friends in an American tradition this year, I would challenge you to consider thankfulness, so that your light may shine among men. …
Picture of Love?
How many of you appreciate the pictures created by Torah? To me, they are tremendously revealing, capable of directing our modern lives in areas of dedication, honor, and trust. Needless to say, this week’s Torah portion does not let us down. The picture I was drawn to this week was that of Rebecca and…
Ready for the test?
The Hebrew word Hineni (הנני), means “Here I am!” The letters within the word are Hey, Nun (2x’s) and Yod. Which creates the picture of “behold life, behold life from the outstretched hand”. Are you ready to join the ranks of Abraham, Moses, the Prophets & Yeshua? When God called out to Moses from the burning…
Get up and leave?
Get up and leave? As I write this blog, I realize that this coming Sabbath our world will be different. As our choices have been laid out before us, it will be a world where lawlessness continues to raise its ugly head leading us toward complete abandonment of the Holy One. Or, we will…