Third Torah Portion: Lech Lecha, You go out B’resheet (Genesis) 12:1 – 17:27 Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 40:27 – 41:16 Galatians 3:1-29; Romans 4:1-25 Have you ever had times in your life when you heard the call to leave the past behind and move on to something better? You just knew in your spirit that it was…
Author: MVF Silverton
Faith Walk!
What event in your life caused you to trust? Typically, we remember events that cause us to distrust. For many, the concept of trust is a difficult path to take for various reasons. And since misery often loves company, we tend to spew our negative story rather than remember the positive one. Events in our…
The Seven Colors of the Rainbow
Noach (Noah, Rest) B’resheet (Genesis) 6:9 – 11:32 Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 54:1 – 55:5 MattitYahu (Matthew) 24:36-46, Kefa Alef (I Peter) 3:18-22 Look at the order of the colors of the rainbow over the Sea of Galilee and that of an LGBTQ flag being advertised for sale to be displayed in parades and other events around…
Get on the Lifeboat!
Yahweh looked and found that mankind had become corrupt and exceedingly violent. Amid the chaos, a certain righteous man was found—a man that would build a boat to rescue mankind. Would this man help restore peace on earth? According to the prophecy of names found in man’s first 10 generations, it would seem so. It…
Change Your Life
Are you ready to begin a new Torah cycle? Are you excited to have YHWH point out new revelations to you? I know I am. The other day, I saw something I had never recognized before. I couldn’t believe it. I have studied the Torah religiously for the last 22 years and found myself hesitant…
Yeshurun Stands
Yom Kippur. Day of Atonement Readings: Leviticus 16:1-34; 18:1-30; Numbers 29:7-11; Isaiah 57:14 – 58:14; Book of Jonah; Matthew 25:31-46; Romans 3:21-26; 2 Corinthians 5:10-21 Torah portion, Ha’azinu, Give Ear D’varim (Deut) 32:1–52; Shemu’el Bet (II Samuel) 22:1–51; Romans 10:14 – 11:12 What is our identity as the people of YHWH Elohim? Yeshurun (Jeshurun) is…
Man’s Justice versus Yah’s Compassion?
Many of us are taking the time to consider our relationship with YHWH during the Days of Awe and Yom Kippur (Atonement). Admittedly, it can be hard to reflect and swallow the truth of our actions over the past year in physical and spiritual deeds. It gets even harder to address our thoughts. With this…
Yom Kippur 2022
Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement When: Wednesday evening, October 5th Where: Silverton Foursquare Church Time: Doors open at 5 pm, Yom Kippur service begins at 5:30 pm followed by Oneg. We will dismiss at 7:45pm
How Strong Are You?
Imagine you are Israel of old, preparing to go into the promised land. Your leader, Moses—the guy you knew since birth—the father figure who explained YHWH’s laws to you—the pastor who directed your spiritual life–the leader who made sure physical needs were met, and the general who led you to many victories is not going…
Preparing to Stand Before the King
Scripture readings for Yom Teruah, the Day of Trumpets: Torah:B’resheet (Gen) 21:1-34; B’midbar (Num) 29:1-6; Haftorah:I Samuel 1:1 – 2:10; Brit Hadashah: I Thess 4:13-18 Scripture readings for this Shabbat start with all the children of Israel standing and gathering together in the Torah portion Nitzavim ‘Standing’ Devarim (Deut) 29:10 – 30:20; YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 61:10…