Nitsavim begins with the words, “You stand today, all of you, before Elohim your God.” Deuteronomy 29:10 What an acknowledgment. Israel comes before the King of Kings to stand in His presence to accept the call to be a “righteous nation.” As a body, Israel humbled itself as a nation and as individuals. “Standing before”…
Author: MVF Silverton
New or Renewed?
Ki Tavo – When you enter in D’varim (Deuteronomy) 26:1 – 29:9 Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 60:1-22 Matthew 4:13-24; Luke 21:1-4; Romans 11:1-15; Ephesians 1:3-6 One of the most satisfying jobs for a guy who works with wood is to restore something old and dilapidated, making it look new again. Working on home repairs, I’ve grown to…
Are You Ready to Enter In?
I was giving a riding lesson to one of my older students the other day and noticed her spirit was seemingly downcast. Typically, she is an enthusiastic person. I didn’t say anything until the end of her lesson, at which time I asked, “Are you doing ok?” That’s when the tears started to flow. The…
Husband of Restoration? Or Husband of Death?
Being kind to your enemy seems to be a problem these days. Typically, when we go to battle with someone, we don’t think about long-term effects. Considering a relationship with our enemy seems even more peculiar. Often, we are anxious to destroy or plunder our enemy, so we never have to deal with them again. …
The War Bride
Torah Ki Tetse – When you go out D’varim (Deuteronomy, Words) 21:10 – 25:19 Haftorah: Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 54:1-10 Brit Chadashah: MattitYahu (Matt) 5:27-32; 1 Cor. 5:1-5 The storyline would make a good movie. A soldier goes out to war. His army defeats the enemy, slays all the soldiers, and carries away captives. The soldier looks…
Log Jam
One of the most favorite verses to quote, from either a secular or Biblical position, is found in the Messiah’s “Sermon on the Mount.” I believe it has become a favorite for some because it gives a free pass to those who want to ignore poor decisions and not come under judgment. Maybe you too…
Judging Legally
Shoftim (Judges) Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9 Isaiah 51:12 – 52:12 Yochanan (John) 1:19-27; 1 Cor 5:9-13 The people of the Kingdom appointed only one of four authorities. Not one office was self-appointed, but all came by a protocol prescribed by the ultimate Mighty Authority, our Elohim (God). What are the four highest authorities in the Kingdom of…
The Eye of the Shepherd
Torah Re’eh “See!” D’varim (Deuteronomy) 11:26 – 16:17 Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 44:11 – 45:5 Yochanan Alef (1 John) 4:1-6 Somebody is watching you. All alone or not, someone has an eye on you – day and night. Those eyes neither slumber nor sleep. Those eyes aren’t looking for only what’s wrong with you. Those eyes look…
Are You Able to See the Real Battle?
The study of Re’eh means to see or behold. So, what are we to see, and what are we to behold? Deuteronomy 11 tells us that we will receive blessings by following YHWH and cursing if we follow any other god. This makes sense in that YHWH is life-giving. He is spirit, and Spirit gives…
Hungry, But Content?
Ekev (On the heels of, Because of) D’varim (Deuteronomy) 7:12 – 11:25 Haftorah: YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 49:14 – 51:3 B’rit Hadashah: Mattityahu (Matthew) 4:1-11; Ya’aqov (Jacob/James) 5:7-11; Romans 8:31-39 Plenty of food in the frig, but what am I really hungry for? It’s time to eat, but sometimes nothing appeals much to me. What can I…