Chukat – Statutes, customs, ordinances B’midbar (Numbers) 19:1 – 22:1; Shoftim (Judges) 11:1-33; Matthew 21:1-17; Yochanan (John) 3:9 – 21 What is wrong with this painting? You’ve seen it many times. Typically, the serpent is talking Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. But could there be a clue in this event as to how the…
Author: MVF Silverton
Seeker of Truth?
Have you ever met a person who is a seeker of truth? Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to meet such people. In meeting them, I sense their deep desire to find something real . . . something different from what this world has to offer. Amid a culture, where answers seem to…
Gospel Hardened or Broken and Contrite?
B’midbar (Numbers) 16:1 – 18:32 Shemu’el Alef (I Samuel) 11:14 – 12:22 Romans 13:1-7 Last Shabbat we learned that rebellion is defined by the Scriptures as unbelief that says “God can’t. God won’t.” What is at the root of rebellion in this Torah portion? Why do Torah-keeping leaders brace themselves every time of the year…
A Reflection of Self?
Are the kings of this earth a reflection of ourselves? Are “we the people” the ones being held accountable for current world events? We read in Daniel 2:21: “And it is He (YHWH) who changes the times and the epochs, He removes kings and establishes kings.” If this is true, is there any reason to…
How Important is Unity Anyway?
The world’s tallest statute is a 600-foot homage to Patel, a man who “unified” India. He was a “champion” in gaining India’s independence from Britain and is credited with uniting 565 governing states in India. Yet, under so-called unity, India is well known for its caste system, subjecting its lower class to the highest rate…
Don’t You Ever Give Up on Me!
Shelach L’chah Send for Yourself B’midbar (Numbers) 13:1 – 15:41 Yehoshua (Joshua) 2:1-24 Ivriym (Hebrews) 3:7-19 Whose report do we believe today? Do we believe the mainstream media, rebels in town squares, preachers of replacement/dispensational theology, or even the voices of doubt among our mishpocha? Are the alarming reports out there leading us to believe…
Who Is Your Idol?
This week, I became keenly aware of publicly stated comments that a particular group, sect, or yes, even certain people should be followed due to their vast wisdom or stated authority. But is this really true? From my perspective, I don’t believe so: “For all have sinned had have fallen short of the glory of…
These Leaders!
B’ha’alotkha, In your going up, In your lighting up B’midbar (Numbers) 8:1 – 12:16 ZekharYah (Zechariah) 2:10 – 4:7 I Corinthians 10:6-13 Would you agree that we have a leadership crisis in America today? From the highest offices in the land to the lowest, the corruption is so bad we no longer wonder what a…
Samson and the Messiah
Nasso – Elevate, Lift up. Paleo Hebrew of the root word, nun samech – the banner of Life Support. The Word of Yeshua, YHWH Nissi (my banner), is my Life Support! Numbers (B’midbar) 4:21 – 7:89; Judges (Shoftim) 13:2-25; Acts (of the Holy Spirit) 21:17-26 Don’t you just love it when the Spirit of Truth…
Say to the Sons of Israel
Looking back, I realize I have made a consistent error in some of my blogs. I have often referred to us (the human race) as sons & daughters of Yahweh God. But in reality, are we? Paul writes in Romans 5:12 a statement that implies we are sons of Adam. “Therefore, just as sin entered…