My apologies to the MVF family for not being able to provide comments on this weeks Torah Study. My week slipped away from me. Though I do want to encourage you to consider the theme of this week, which is to build a tabernacle. Ask yourself these questions: 1. How can I build a tabernacle…
Category: Additional Teachings
Pearls in Torah
It seems like that no matter where we look, there is someone behind a “curtain of oz,” promoting false ideas or misleading perceptions. How can we guard ourselves from doing the same thing? Ki Tisa is a statement that means, “When you elevate.” And it begins at Exodus 10:11. Some believe that the Rabbinical sages…
Ready for the test?
The Hebrew word Hineni (הנני), means “Here I am!” The letters within the word are Hey, Nun (2x’s) and Yod. Which creates the picture of “behold life, behold life from the outstretched hand”. Are you ready to join the ranks of Abraham, Moses, the Prophets & Yeshua? When God called out to Moses from the burning…
How to Be Right?
Recently, I found myself struggling with arguments sent to me. In hearing them, I started to see two common denominators in the argument. There was a consistency in how people were viewing a problem. The first point of view was found in the belief that any person who had a different opinion was evil. The…
May He Have Your Attention Please?
Ki Tetse – When you go D’varim (Deut) 21:10 – 25:19 YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 54:1-10 Matthew 5:27-30; 1 Cor 5:1-5 What kind of news are most people inclined to click on and read? Do stories on acts of kindness and benevolence toward needy and hurting people make the headlines? What topics do get the attention of…
How Can I Become Holy?
Kedoshim or holy ones, is the title of this week’s parsha. For many, this concept is hard to attain. We try our best to be holy, but yet find ourselves lacking due to our sinful human nature and DNA. So why even try to be holy? The obvious response to this question is very practical. For instance,…
Ready to Pass the Test?
In the world of education, we are often given an exam to test our understanding of certain topics. Likewise, in trade school, we are also given exams to test our mastery of particular skills. If we don’t pass these examinations, we must retake the class. Why? As a former teacher, I can you that it…
How do you Explain War, Songs, and Bread?
I have been asked how to communicate with friends or family over faith issues countless times. Typically, those asking are excited about what the Lord has done for them or about new information they have found in Scripture. But when they approach people with new insights, they become discouraged because their words are rejected. So…
The Real Estate Deal
Chayay Sarah, The Life of Sarah B’reshiyt (Genesis) 23:1 – 25:18 Melekim Alef (I Kings) 1:1-31 Matthew 2:1-23; 8:19-22; 27:3-10; Luke 9:57-62; John 14:1-31; Hebrews 11:13-16; 1 Corinthians 15:42-58; Philippians 2:1-11 Have you ever known anyone to enter into a contract to buy a property with a shady seller? A real estate deal can turn…
The Hebrew Roots of Relationship
Devarim (Deuteronomy) 7:12 – 11:25 YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 49:14 – 51:3 Mattityahu (Matthew) 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13; Ya’aqov (Jacob/James) 5:7-11; Romans 8:31-39 When it comes to rocky relationships, we often seek the root of the problem. Whether it’s deliverance ministry or a business deal, finding out where the issue first began is where to begin rooting out…