Have you found yourself swayed by smooth words, awesome arguments, and maybe a life experience that caused you to lose sight of your belief? It can easily happen. A basic human characteristic is the need to be accepted by others, which in turn, can cause a bending of our will to conform. While trying to…
Category: Rollyn’s Reads
What’s Your Plea?
Most everyone loves to be right. It can verify our position as an authority while establishing our role as valid. With all of us needing a bit of confidence, being right is not always a bad thing. But what if we aren’t right while thinking we are? Would you be willing to change your course? …
Leadership Matters 101
This week’s study of Devarim not only embraces words from Moses but also includes prophetic writings from Isaiah as well as letters from the Apostle Paul in the Book of Acts and the First Letter to Timothy. Is there a common thread between them when it comes to “matters?” The message given to me when…
What is Your Journey’s Reality?
Have you ever recounted your journey with Yahweh? If you are like most, I would say you might be tempted to recall the doubts and mistakes you had along the way. This week in Numbers chapter thirty-three, we can read the recordings of Israel’s trek across the wilderness as they fled the land of bondage…
Calling All Zealots!
Some of you may know the country music artist John Rich. Currently, he just released a song called “Revelation” and it is fast becoming a number-one hit. As described in his interview with Tucker Carlson, he was given this song through direct heavenly instruction. The song’s message is threefold: to proclaim the urgency of Messiah’s…
Can We Be Wise?
I was utterly amazed in watching the attempted assassination of President Trump; and even more astonished to hear excuses for the terrible act. There were deniers, finger-pointers, and even liars supporting personal political beliefs. Due to an “at all cost” rhetoric to defeat Trump, most people believed that someone would eventually try to shoot the…
Seeker of Truth?
Have you ever met a person who is a seeker of truth? Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to meet such people. In meeting them, I sense their deep desire to find something real . . . something different from what this world has to offer. Amid a culture, where answers seem to…
A Reflection of Self?
Are the kings of this earth a reflection of ourselves? Are “we the people” the ones being held accountable for current world events? We read in Daniel 2:21: “And it is He (YHWH) who changes the times and the epochs, He removes kings and establishes kings.” If this is true, is there any reason to…
How Important is Unity Anyway?
The world’s tallest statute is a 600-foot homage to Patel, a man who “unified” India. He was a “champion” in gaining India’s independence from Britain and is credited with uniting 565 governing states in India. Yet, under so-called unity, India is well known for its caste system, subjecting its lower class to the highest rate…
Who Is Your Idol?
This week, I became keenly aware of publicly stated comments that a particular group, sect, or yes, even certain people should be followed due to their vast wisdom or stated authority. But is this really true? From my perspective, I don’t believe so: “For all have sinned had have fallen short of the glory of…