This week, Colorado’s Supreme Court decided to cause further division in this country. By ignoring the lack of Federal prosecution and law, they moved forward to deny President Trump to be on their voting ballot. By doing so, they are setting a precedent for any state to remove any candidate that they deem not worthy….
Category: Rollyn’s Reads
There is a Promise!
Are you longing for a rest? If you have been fortunate enough to ever go on a vacation, I’m sure you would agree it’s on the 3rd day you finally feel “rested” enough to enjoy the break; and on the 7th day, you’re to the point of staying. I don’t know about you, but I…
Do I Need Self-Control?
This last week, I was visiting a group of high school students in Castle Valley, Utah. My assignment was to get them ready for their upcoming concert tour, through rehearsals, private lessons, and spiritual talks in the evening. For me, I didn’t think twice about what I would teach when it came to voice. Though…
The Place
VaYetze, And He Went Out B’reshiyt (Genesis) 28:10 – 32:3; Hoshea (Hosea) 12:13 – 14:9 Matthew 3:13 – 4:11; 10:6; 15:24; 19:28; Luke 22:30; John 1:41-51; Ya’aqov (Jacob, James) 1:1; Ivriym (Hebrews) 8:6-8; 2 Corinthians 4:1-6; Ephesians 4:7-24; Revelation 21:12 Why would anyone want to rest their head on a rock? You’d have to be…
Wanting to Get UnHitched? (Vayetze)
Come, and let us return to the LORD; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; On the third day, He will raise us up, That we may live in His sight. Hosea 6:1-2 As our present world…
What Does it Mean to Fear Yahweh?
Last week, I confronted myself and asked, “Why should I help out at Mid-Valley Fellowship?” The resounding answer shocked me a bit, but also woke me up to a distinct directive, “Because I asked you and you are willing.” From that moment forward, Yahweh has instilled a new kind of awesome fear into my life,…
How’s Your Faith?
Have you ever asked the question, “Where is Yahweh?” Maybe you have asked this question due to the trials you are facing. You don’t mean to ask the question and you might even feel like the question itself is blasphemy, but yet the thought is there. Maybe you are tired of this world’s corruption, the…
What’s in a Testimony?
VaYera brings focus to three heavenly beings who visited Abraham. Many believe that these persons were a reflection of Elohim. And that, Yeshua the Messiah revealed a part of Himself by showing His intent to dispense judgment towards those who chose sin, but to provide promise and hope to those who faithfully follow. However in…
Belief is Half the Battle!
Have you ever been made uncomfortable, to the point of making a serious change? Most people continue in life doing the same things they have always done, until something drastic comes along such as death, divorce, getting fired from your job, war, or a major illness or injury. It’s at these times, that change is…
When Violence Takes Hold
Back in the day, before Yeshua changed my heart, I had a temper problem. Even though I was small in stature, I would fearlessly oppose anyone or anything that stood in my way. That temper showed itself many times. When at home, I fought my brothers. And when at school, I would fight anyone who…