There is no greater need for Yeshua our Messiah than right now. What has occurred in Israel this last week should wake us up to the fact that evil resides on this earth. The influence of satan and his minions has corrupted souls and DNA with a hatred that knows no bounds. Whether you believe…
Category: Rollyn’s Reads
Rock vs Man!
This week I was in Castle Valley Utah alongside the Colorado River, surrounded by massive red rock structures. The quietness of the place overwhelmed me as I kept trying to hear sound. I had to stop everything to listen. When I did, I could “hear” for miles. The study of Ha’azinu means to “give ear.”…
Are You Ready for a Trumpeter?
The sound of a trumpet seems to cut the air like nothing else. Its musical presence can alert, direct, and even pierce the soul. A favorite trumpeter of mine is Phil Driscoll, known for his breathtaking scales and magnificent performances. He has played for four U.S. Presidents and other world figures. At one time, he…
Can a Fool Enter in?
An old proverb says, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Many are predicting government efforts to fool people in America once again. Rumors of lockdowns to win elections and forced vaccines for complete compliance are running rampant. Will America be fooled again? I think it will. But what about…
What Are We To Do?
Have you ever run across a person who tries to prove something to you, by quoting one Bible verse? As a Bible teacher, I hear it constantly. Someone will point to a text and say, “See, it says it right here!” But the Scriptures deserve to be weighed beyond one verse. Especially when it comes…
Will You Be Jailed by Corruption?
So we think we have it bad when we speak out. But maybe we should consider the lockdowns, political injustice, and torture by the Roman Empire during the time of Yeshua. If we can’t proclaim the gospel now, do you think you would have proclaimed it back then? Shoftim is the name of our Torah…
Let Me See!
One of my clients called to tell me about a “special” chiropractor who was coming to give a treatment to one of her horses. They wanted to know my thoughts about his unique practice. Naturally, I looked up his website and found his “journey of personal evolution, and healing as a student of Ramtha’s School…
Another “Hear O Israel?”
Why do parents count to three when they want the attention of their child? I remember when I fell into this trap. “One, two, three, . . . I said come here.” Wow. That didn’t work for so many reasons. Needless to say, I finally caught on that one command was sufficient. Though in the…
What’s Your View Like?
This week I was able to hear the testimony of a young man who had been raised in over 40 foster homes during his life. He failed at college three times. In 2019 he lived on the streets. Soon a construction job of installing metal roofs presented itself. He took it. But he wanted more. …
Words & Matters or “Words Matter?”
“Back in the day,” I can remember asking Grandpa about particular family stories. Hearing his words gave me a feeling of belonging; not to mention a good laugh towards incidences experienced by others that were similar to my own. His words mattered, in that they came from real personal stories. When you think about words…