Are you tired of being sick and tired? Are you tired of fear and anxiety? There is an answer. It is found in YHWH.
Some might think that the God of Torah or Law is a vengeful God who is constantly condemning His people when they sin. Whereas, Yeshua (Jesus) is the “nice guy.” But if this is true, then you might have to make some adjustments. Because, “In the beginning was the Word (Yeshua) and the Word was with YHWH (Jn. 1:1), which reflects the mercy and love from both the Father and the Son who desire to set us free from sin.
The study of Beckukotai gives a list of blessings for those who follow Yah’s laws and cursing for those who break these laws. Most people love the blessings part. But, when they read further and see the curses, they may feel that Yah is arbitrary or even condemning. YHWH is very clear with the Sons of Israel about the terrible things that will happen if they come against Him. For instance, He will appoint terror, consumption, and fever so that their eyes will waste away. He will turn His face away from them so that they run in fear when no one pursues them. He will strike down their pride and even be hostile. Crops will not produce. Livelihoods will be destroyed. Does this sound like a loving God? Does it sound like something Yeshua would agree to?
To find at least one answer, let’s compare the terms for condemnation and conviction.
Condemnation means to censure, blame, criticism, and attack. Typically when we condemn we hide from real problems and point out faults. We like to even condemn ourselves as being unworthy. Satan loves to condemn us. Why not? Condemnation seems to work well in keeping us away from Yah, for if we are unworthy sinners who are incapable of being “good enough” to receive life, then why would we seek the Life, Giver? Consequently, does it seem rational for Yah to condemn His own people?
Conviction means belief, confidence, principle, and faith. When convicted we face our problems and seek out positive change. Typically it takes a life-changing event for a person to be convicted of almost anything. So, would YHWH be willing to convict His people if they continually strive to break the commands of life? I think the answer is yes. If convicted, people start to follow the ways of YHWH, knowing that His ways are better than their past or present way of living.
Notice when we read this Torah section, Yah never condemns, He only states results from coming against or being hostile towards Him. On the other hand, He does convict those who choose to sin. In my opinion, Leviticus 26 is a comparison of what happens when we keep the Law and what happens when we come against Him.

If we keep His commands as found in verses 3-13, we find that he gives us peace, that no harm will come against us, that we will chase down our enemies, we will be fruitful, and that He will walk with us. This is pretty awesome, especially in today’s environment of “plandemics” formulated by corrupt governments. I don’t know about you, but chasing down an enemy is much more fun than running from them.
So what happens if we find ourselves coming against Yah by not keeping His commands? Is there a way out? Notice what is said:
“If they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their forefathers, in their unfaithfulness which they committed against Me, and also in their acting with hostility against Me, . . . then I will remember My covenant with Jacob, . . .Isaac, . . . and Abraham. . . I will not reject them nor will I abhor them as to destroy them, breaking My covenant with them, for I Am YHWH, . . . I will remember them.” Leviticus 26:40-45
I’m thinking that condemnation does not come from YHWH. If He were a condemning God why would He remember us? Instead, He chooses to convict us so that we can recognize our problem. So what exactly is the problem you might ask? May I suggest that we have a lack of knowledge of Yah? We fail to “know” Him. He tells us that His laws are life. He tells us that His ways offer healing, peace, and wisdom. He tells us that “fools” reject this knowledge (Rom. 1). In short, knowledge of Yah, is knowing that His laws are just and that His solution is the Blood of the Lamb. This Covenant from Him returns us to Him. Yeshua is the fulfillment of the covenant that turns us back to YHWH. It’s His merciful act of salvation demonstrated on the “tree” that convicts us to follow.
A few years back there was a slogan that stated, “No God no peace, but know God and know peace.”
Many of us fight fear and illness by treating ourselves with medication that is either natural or unnatural. But does this address the problem or cover up the problem? Getting to the root can be scary. Who wants to stop eating Cheetos, even if it means your health is at risk? When it comes to the root of sin, maybe we don’t face our sins because they seem too embarrassing, or it might cause too much change, or it’s too hard. Though if we continue to ignore our iniquity what will be the outcome?
What outcomes are you experiencing right now? My friends, there is a solution. Keep the laws of Yah for they are also the laws of the Messiah. He has made a covenant with you and He will keep it. Confess your sin and come to “Know” the Great Healer.
Yah reminds His people, “I am YHWH who brought you out of the land of Egypt so that you would not be their slaves, and I broke the bars of your yoke and made you walk upright.” (Lev. 26:13) This same promise is given to us at even a greater degree through the life, death, and resurrection of Yeshua, for He broke the yoke of slavery given to us by the evil one.
Yeshua said this:
“If you abide in Me and My words abide in you ask whatever you wish and it shall be done for you, by this My Father is glorified. . . if you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. . . this my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:7-12
We have been given love or life from above, in return we are to give love back.
Claim The Blood and start watching your life change. I promise that you will not be hostile towards the Laws of Yah. Instead, you will seek them out.
Be Blessed,