The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
A teenage girl at a YMCA in Santee, California asserted that she encountered a biological male who identified as a transgender woman naked in the female locker room.
In her emotional complaint to the board, Phillips said that her concerns were dismissed by YMCA staff and that she was made out to be the problem. She told the council, “When I asked the YMCA management what the policy was regarding transgenders, they confirmed that the man I saw was allowed to shower wherever he pleased–as long as you are not a red flag on Megan’s Law — California sex offender registry — a grown male can shower alongside a teenage girl at YMCA locations here in Santee.”
Phillips said. “I was made to feel as though I had done something wrong.”
Has our nation moved to such a state of delusion that we are no longer able to protect young women? Like Sodom, have we lost all sense of righteousness? How can the innocent be blamed for the actions of the guilty? Why are women told that the safety of their privacy is no longer a viable option and that they must accept the indecency of confused minds? Who is it that causes man to be deluded by their so-called wisdom?
The prophet Isaiah gave these words from YHWH, “Your wisdom and your knowledge it has perverted you and you have said in your heart “I am.” Isaiah 47:10.
Are the words of YHWH being fulfilled in today’s society? I would say yes, in that our modernized culture claims that truth is no longer a Biblical or even academic standard. Truth is now to be understood as “your truth” which seeks to place “man” in the position of the “I Am.”

The name of Pharoah is not mentioned in the Exodus story, but the Hebraic understanding of the title means “a great nation.” This, of course, causes us to see a different picture outside of a single individual. The Egyptian culture of that day put Pharoah in the position of a god. The great nation no longer remembered the God of Joseph but instead, they hardened their heart against YHWH for a man-like god. They created their own truth.
What happens when we create our own truth? Have you noticed the anger and malicious actions taken by people when their truth is questioned? Do you think they want to hear the truth? If this is so, is it any wonder that Pharoah hardens his heart against the message given to Moses?
In the Book of Romans we read:
“they glorified Him not as God, neither gave thanks; but became vain in their reasonings, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves as wise they became fools”. Romans 1:21
When reading “Va’era this week, we will not only come across many statements about the Pharoah of Egypt hardening his heart against Yah, but we will even come across the men of Israel not believing Moses. How does this happen?
I have come to believe that when Yah has been silent over a period of years, “our love towards Him grows cold.” We begin to lose hope in being freed from our slavery and start to succumb to the ways of the world rather than unto the ways of Yah’s Kingdom.
Consequently, no matter what comes our way, it’s imperative that we “stay the course.”
King Solomon wrote about his struggle in understanding the purposes of YHWH and said:
“The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear Yah and keep His commandments because this applies to every person. Because Yah will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
This leads us to the statement posed in the beginning text of Va’era.
“And YHWH spoke to Moses and said to him, ‘I am YHVH; and I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob as Yah Almighty, but by my name Yod Hey Vav Hey I was not known to them.” Exodus 6:2
Did the Fathers of Israel not know YHWH? If they didn’t know Yah then how could they have made a covenant with Him? I believe the context of knowing God in this verse, instead relates to knowing the great works of Yah’s given Name Yod Hey Vav Hey—the outstretched arm of salvation to behold.
YHWH is telling Moses that both Pharoah and Israel will “know” the fullness of His Might, through the destruction of a Great Nation that has become deluded in their own wisdom while freeing His people from the bondage of delusion. In, short Ex. 6:2 is a promise, to those who are seeking truth, who want to move out of delusion, and into the “knowing” of YHWH. His Light. His Name.
Do you see any similarity to our current condition?
As we come into this Sabbath, let us pray for deliverance.