Recently, I found myself struggling with arguments sent to me. In hearing them, I started to see two common denominators in the argument. There was a consistency in how people were viewing a problem. The first point of view was found in the belief that any person who had a different opinion was evil. The second concept was the action of becoming a helpless victim or rolling over if their viewpoint wasn’t accepted. Why does this happen?
Could it be that people tend to see the world as villains or victims because they have not accepted Yahweh’s sovereignty? Could it be that most of us are intent on proving our point over Yah’s Point of View? But this week, Abba opened my eyes to see something different. It was indeed refreshing, causing me to give thanks!
Before the start of this week, I kept hearing the words of Yeshua, the ones he taught to His disciples.
“Our Father which art in Heaven, blessed and Holy be Your Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.” Matthew 6:9-10
If we come to grips with this verse, I do believe it will cause us to humble ourselves. For the Kingdom seems to be all about the Father, what His will is, and how He interjects Himself. It’s about His times. It’s about His blessings. It’s about His edicts. And above all else, it’s about the gift He gave through His Son as explained to us in Ephesian chapter one, “according to the good pleasure (love) of His Will.”
I had been struggling to know what to do with a couple of people in my life. One is a believer and the other is not. Up to a certain point, I had always encouraged the believer while ignoring the other. But this time, when they were confronted with a challenging relationship problem, I was awakened by the Spirit to give kind words of affirmation to the one who didn’t know the Lord. Direction was also given to me to share specific instructions to the young man so that he could bless the lady in his life. After sharing this, he wrote back stating how thankful he was for the encouragement. It was “exactly what he needed.”
So, I ask you. If I had taken a position of throwing my hands up and pulling back, thinking nothing could be done in this situation, would the Kingdom of Yahweh bless this couple?
In another situation this week, I needed repairs done to my washer. The man coming out to fix the problem gave no signs of being a believer in The Word and I could have easily assumed he was a villain out to fleece me. But instead, we started to talk, sharing our spiritual journeys. His understanding of the gospel astounded me as he talked about Abraham coming to know Yahweh over a period of time, step by step, and trial by trial. What a pleasure it was to see and hear from a man unincumbered with entrenched theological beliefs. Neither he nor I tried to push religious stones. We just shared the wonders of how God leads.
The Lord’s Prayer is found in Matthew 6 and is given when Yeshua addresses the hypocrisy of self-righteousness and puffed-up pride. Brothers and sisters, please consider allowing Yahweh to be God. Be careful in forming opinions that pit you against each other. Our thoughts are not His thoughts and our ways are not His Ways. Yeshua’s solution to this problem is for us to recognize the Father’s Kingdom over ours, hence the reason for The Prayer.
Take a close look at the blessings and cursings you will be reading about in Ki Tavo. I believe you will find the actions that call for a curse are, for the most part, private sins behind the public’s view. This is why we must allow Yahweh to be God. . . to be careful in propping up or tearing down people, nations, religions, or even ourselves. Yahweh is judge and jury. We are not. Our job is to be willing to pray and follow the Spirit’s leading so that Yah’s Kingdom reigns.
“If I speak with the tongues of mankind and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 And if I give away all my possessions to charity, and if I surrender my body so that I may glory, but do not have love, it does me no good.” . . . now faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love” I Corinthians 13
Be blessed