What is the greatest offering a person can give? Some think money, while others think time or a personal heartfelt gift. In this week’s study, we see a variety of gifts offered towards a joint vision. Have you ever thought what could and can happen if this would happen today?
The Apostle Peter reminds us that the “body is made up of living stones. . . being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to Yah through Yeshua the Messiah.” (I Peter 2:7)
What do living stones look like? I believe the Torah once again forms a picture of living stones thru a man called Bezalel, the master craftsman.
Consider Bezalel’s name. It means, “In the shadow (or reflection) of Yah” (H1212). Bezalel came from the tribe of Judah, the root of Jesse, from which the Messiah was also born into. How does Bezalel present a picture of Messiah? And, what relevance does he have to living stones?
In Exodus 39 we read:
“So the sons of Israel did all the work according to all that the Lord commanded Moses.” (39:42)
But prior to this, in Chapters 36- 38 it is Bezalel that makes virtually everything. But, I’m thinking Bezalel was a sort of cornerstone in moving people to create and make. Granted, he did make a lot of stuff. But at the same time, he taught others.
“And He has filled “him” (Bezalel) with the Spirit of Yah, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge and in all craftsmanship to make designs for working. . . He also, put in his heart to teach.” (Ex. 35:31-34)
Does this look a bit similar to the picture of Messiah?
“And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and people.” (Lk2:52)
If we can agree that it’s important for humans to come under a master craftsman, then I think we can agree that it takes a heavenly master craftsman to motivate us towards our best. When this occurs, consider the outcome found in building a tabernacle.
Every heart that was moved brought an offering (35:21-23)
Skilled women spun (made) with their hands. (35:25)
Rulers brought fine stones and oils (35:27-28)
There were so many offerings that the people had to be restrained and were told to stop bringing gifts. (36:6)
After the giving of physical offerings to help Bezalel’s “tabernacle building” ministry,” the people offered their skills. In Chapter 39, we find this obvious change in direction, for now they hammered, they made, they mounted, and they put. Hallelujah! The people became living stones in the works of the Kingdom.
Can you imagine what would happen in our fellowship, if everyone worked towards a common goal of building Yah’s tabernacle? What would happen if we all gave so much that we would have to make an announcement to stop? I long for the day, when unity in the body becomes centered on bringing heartful offerings before the Lord such as commitment, skills offered, and a willingness to submit to the master craftsman.
Frankly, I don’t think this type of giving will occur unless our hearts are changed through the fires of redemption, repentance, and restoration, for when we are healed, we won’t be able to stop bringing our offerings towards a unified vision. Let’s pray for this!
Be blessed this Sabbath,