Common denominators of evil are becoming rapidly transparent in the world today. A New World Order of artificial intelligence built entirely on lies and deception seeks to destroy life, bringing us to a “famine in the land” devoid of Yahweh and His Laws, in an effort to create a new god. Can the agenda be stopped and if not, what are we to do? Again, I believe Jacob and Joseph provide an answer through the letters of their names.
“Jacob lived in the land of Egypt, in Goshen seventeen years; so the length of Jacob’s life was one hundred and forty-seven years.” (Gen. 47:28)
As many of you know, the Hebrew language is loaded with meaning. Besides basic word context, letters and numbers have meaning as well. The writings of Scripture itself should never be put in question by the use of Hebrew letters or numbers, but if these signs correlate with the message of Scripture, they can serve as a second witness for our understanding and confidence. With this in mind, consider the word pictures formulated from Gen. 47:28 and how they relate to the stories of Jacob and his son Joseph while in a land void of Yahweh.
The 17th letter in Hebrew alphabet is Pey, which means to speak or open as a mouth. If you were to add the letters of 17, you would have 1 + 7, which equals 8 or the letter Chet, which means private, to separate, or fence. Pey represents the numeric value of 80 in Hebrew and if we count 80 letters of the alphabet from the Alef we come to Nun, which means activity or life.
When we break these pictures down, we can see that Joseph spoke (Pey) and opened a prophecy to his family. He was sold to Egypt at the approximate age of 17 for his outspokenness, but kept separate (Chet) or safe, so he could give life (Nun) to his family. Though in his journey, these thoughts never dawned on Joseph until he saw his brothers in Pharaoh’s house.
Likewise, when Jacob was brought to Egypt. He spoke (Pey) and blessed Pharaoh. His family was kept separate (Chet) and they had life (Nun) in the land. Jacob also had a hard life—a journey that never seemed to go right. But yet, YHWH still blessed him with a refuge of time (17 years) equal to his loss.
What do these pictures have to do with creating a false god through AI systems and living in a world void of the Real God?
The Apostle Peter reminds us to put our hope in Someone greater than this world:
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Yeshua Messiah, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Yeshua Messiah from the dead, 4 to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable, undefiled, and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you,5 who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, 7 so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which perishes though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
Since we are children of Yahweh, we do have purpose in life. Most likely, because of our uniqueness in Messiah, we will be hated by the world (I Jn 3:13). Our trials will be hard. But like Jacob and Joseph we must have faith as we walk the path put before us. Sometimes it will seem impossible with no goal in sight. But as we walk this road, we are specifically called out:
When we speak out to bless (Pey), Yahweh protects (Chet) so that life (Nun) overcomes darkness.
A world based on lies and deception is not a righteous one. Could it be that maybe we are called to speak life? Elijah challenged Ahab. John the Baptist pointed out sin to Herod. Esther brought out the sin of Haman. What are you called out to do? Are we willing to be a Jacob or Joseph and speak life towards a Greater Kingdom?
From Gen. 47:28, we can see a few more pictures from the 147 years of Jacob that substantiate what we just found. For instance, if we count the letters of the alphabet 147 times from the Alef for the years of Jacob’s life, we come to Samech, meaning to support or twist slowly. 147 also represents 1+4+7, which equals 12. As we all know, Jacob had 12 sons. If we take 1+2 from 12 we find the Gimmel, which means to Lift up. The 12th letter in the Hebrew alphabet is Lamed which means to control or have authority. Lamed represents the numeric value of 30. The Lamed in this series seems to have a significant meaning, so if we count the letters from the Alef 30 times, we get to Chet, which means fence, separate, private.
From these letters and numeric pictures, we can again see pictures of redemption. Jacob’s life supported (Samech) a belief in Yahweh. He studied in the tent and he wrestled with God. The twists (Samech) in his life are similar to ours. He had to face his own deceptive antics. He had to bear the grief of sorrow when he lost his most cherished wife and his son Joseph. Yet in the midst of this, Jacob had 12 sons–tribes of authority (Lamed) and Jacob spoke with authority (Lamed) to Pharaoh. And of course, through the life of Jacob, the line of Yeshua is lifted up (Gimmel) giving us eternal life.
Again, I am not basing my theology on numeric values. And some of you may go crazy just reading this, wondering why go through numerical theatrics. For me, it is interesting to see how Scripture can support itself through the pictures they create—giving at times a second witness to my belief.
How does all this apply to my original question? It’s called confidence!
When this world is falling into the pit of deception, I can have faith in a Living and Righteous God, for His Name is YHWH. In Hebrew, His Name breaks down to Yod Hey Vav Hey, “His Mighty Outstretched Hand (Yod), behold (Hey) the clinched nail (Vav), behold (Hey) our Redemption-His Son.
Grace and Salvation is found in the Torah and through the life of Yeshua our Messiah; as also found in our study of I Peter text this week. He is the working outcome of Torah promises. Yeshua spoke with authority (Lamed) so the demons fled. Yeshua gave the truth of the Kingdom (Pey). Yeshua did the supporting works (Samech) of His Father. Through His life, we are protected (Chet) as heirs of His Kingdom. And, we are lifted up (Gimmel) from this life of sin through the renewing of our minds. Praise be His Name!
Be Blessed this Sabbath,