One of the most favorite verses to quote, from either a secular or Biblical position, is found in the Messiah’s “Sermon on the Mount.” I believe it has become a favorite for some because it gives a free pass to those who want to ignore poor decisions and not come under judgment. Maybe you too have fired back toward someone with this all-time favorite verse. It goes like this:
“Do not judge lest you be judged yourself.” Matthew 7:1
Sound familiar? So, why does Yeshua make this statement in light of the Torah instruction to appoint judges?
In the study of Shoftim, we find Yahweh instructing Israel to appoint not just a few judges, but a judge in every town. These judges are to “judge righteously.” (Deuteronomy 16:18), but is it even possible for a human to judge righteously? We all know that man’s heart is evil. So can we even count on a judge to give the verdict we want? Why would Yah set up a judging system knowing full well that errors can easily occur? Why would Yah create man?
In looking at both the Torah and the renewed covenant, I think it is plain to see that these two concepts are not one and the same. Messiah’s referral to “not judge lest you be judged” carries the meaning of condemning, criticizing, concluding, and determining. It addresses a person with a self-righteous spirit that seeks to point out the unrighteousness of another person. In this context, the Messiah is asking the one who is doing the condemning to consider their own walk before they inject themselves into someone else’s walk.
The judging system, as given in the Torah refers to authorities, arbitrators, a reviewer, a referee or an umpire if you like. In this context, Yahweh spells out the qualifications for the people who are to judge. In doing so, it is expected for those who are seeking a verdict to submit themselves to the process of finding justice for a wrong done. In this consideration, a judge is a person who knows the law and then applies that law without personal bias—at least , hopefully.
The key to the question of what is judgment, might be found through a process of measurement for the person who is condemning another. Reading further into Matthew 7:3, we find that Yeshua tells his listeners to consider a log and a speck when measuring a guilty verdict imposed on someone.
“And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? Matthew 7:3-4

It’s a standard to follow. Often, due to our own sin, we are very capable of seeing even the smallest part of sin in another person. We may recognize it because someone else’s sin may be a sin that is familiar to us. Since it is familiar, we could very easily be “on guard” to make sure it doesn’t happen again or maybe we actually prefer drawing attention away from ourselves onto another.
In Matthew 7:5, Yeshua makes this statement:
“First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.”
In His words, Yeshua is not saying we can’t judge, but He is saying to deal with yourself before you deal with another. He wants us to see clearly. If you think about it, logs can actually take up a lot of space in our eyesight. Does righteous judgment require us to be righteous first? And if so, what will that take for this to happen?
Logs have a tendency to float on a body of water for some time. They can even get stuck in a log jam. Logs are often heavy to carry—even cumbersome. On the good side, logs can be helpful in building things like cabins or fences. What type of log is in your eye? Either way, we are in sore need of a Messiah that will cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If any of us feel a little log jammed, I think we should hold our tongue and even our thoughts. And if your log has you feeling heavy, please don’t require others to feel your misery. Take time to do some self-reflection, and if necessary, do some repenting. That will break up the log jam.
Once the log jam is broken up, the logs can be used to build a house or bridge. Use the logs as bridges of communication and watch unity among the brethren grow again.
Be Blessed,
Right on Rollyn! Last night the Holy Spirit convicted me that I was alienating and judging others that attend Sunday service too harshly.😢
I was invited to a womens sewing circle. These women were in their 50-late 70’s from various church groups. They use their sewing gift to help and teach others to learn to sew and repair items. Myself and one other lady brought our favorite comforters that were a little torn or frayed on the edge. These church ladies showed us how to repair them and I was so happy that my comforter was like “new” again. During our Time together we talked about The Lord Jesus. They do not refer to Him as Yeshua as we do yet I knew in my heart, by their gracious demeanor and actions, we were all in one accord thru The Holy Spirit in Messiah Yeshua. These ladies prayed together in the sewing circle and I could tell they had a genuinely sweet spirit about them. They never judged me or acted weird when I mentioned I attend a Messianic Fellowship.
as the evening progressed Yeshua showed me that as a Messianic Saturday Sabbath keeper I have fallen into the sin of judging others by thinking I am “somehow” better or more “knowledgeable” than Sunday Christians. That it is they that are “unknowingly or even willfully deceived”.
For this reason I have not walked in grace and love towards my brothers and sisters in Christ Instead I have alienated them because they don’t keep Saturday Sabbath or attend His feast days.
I think as Messianic’s we need to be careful to not let our pride get in the way of fellowship with other believers just because they don’t say Yeshua’s name the way we think it should be said or keep Yahweh’s Sabbath on the day we think the Sabbath is.
in the course of years Haven’t Millions of people been saved by attending a Sunday church?
Doesn’t Yahweh judge the motives and intent of the heart? if so then who are we to judge a Sunday Sabbath keeper if that person’sheart is 100% sold out to loving Jesus Yeshua our Messiah?
What of all the Pastors and missionaries throughout time that have given their life and service to Jesus only knowing him as the name Jesus and they never kept Gods feast days? Are they not still saved?
So who are we to judge these same believers today?
Lately I am seeing within Messianic people a lack of Love for our brethren and ALOT of pride, division and legalism seeping into the hearts of the Messianic body. As if we are better than them “a set apart, peculiar people”. we are supposed to be One body so why are we “set apart???
It concerns me because division comes from the enemy. It seems as Messianic we are walking a fine line between being Truth seekers of Yeshua and pride….if pride comes before a fall then couldn’t we then be the ones deceived?
your thoughts are welcome😃
Shalom Rollyn,
You are breaking up the logjam in your teaching! I pray people take it to heart and actually repent and die to self! I am so delighted with where Yahweh has been taking you in your teachings ever since you started fasting and I am grateful for your leadership and friendship! It is an honor to serve Yahweh with you and Angie! Be encouraged brother! When we are following Yah closer, we get attacked! It is not us but Yeshua being attacked!