“I don’t witness well, others can see my good works, but don’t ask me to talk to anyone!”
Does this statement ring a bell? Come on. Admit it. At some time or another we have either stated it out loud or even under our breath. Why do we? And when we do, can we overcome this statement? I believe both Exodus and the New Testament give us some clear answers this week on how to be amazed over being worried.
Is Prophecy in Hebrew letters?
Common denominators of evil are becoming rapidly transparent in the world today. A New World Order of artificial intelligence built entirely on lies and deception seeks to destroy life, bringin us to a “famine in the land” devoid of Yahweh and His Laws, in an effort to create a new god. Can the agenda be stopped and if not, what are we to do? Again, I believe Jacob and Joseph provide an answer through the letters of their names.
What are the Purposes of Yahweh?
For many, it’s hard to come clean. Our pride gets in the way when we become compelled to admit our belief system may be flawed or that a participative action was misplaced. When this happens, some of us may just confess, but the temptation to skirt the admission and to offer a solution of friendship can be easier. When Judah and his brothers are threatened by Egypt, does Judah come near to Joseph to save face or is the issue prophetically deeper?