What am I good for? What can I possibly do? Where can I serve in the body of believers? Is there any kind of job made for me in the world? How do I know if Yahweh God wants me to do a particular job? Have you ever had these questions, run across your mind? If so, you aren’t the only one. In today’s world, some folks are even thinking, “What’s the bother, Yahshua is coming soon, so maybe I’ll just wait for Him and not take any job.”
If you are a person looking to apply your spiritual gifts towards a “job” in these crazy times, I believe you can find some astonishing answers in the study Va’era, if we just take the time to look.
Consider Your Gifts
Angie and I have been traveling and working extremely hard lately. Traveling, ministering, healing others, starting a new business, etc. About a week and a half ago, we took off to Florida to minister to a dear family and friends of ours. In doing so, we forgot to take care of ourselves both spiritually and physically. We got careless. The airports were packed over the holiday season. Flights were packed and stress surrounded us. Catching planes in the early morning hours and leaving in the early morning hours took their toll.
Funny, before our trip, we had thought to ourselves, “With all the illegal immigration shouldn’t we take a few precautions against disease and shouldn’t we take something that allows us to sleep as well?” Naturally, we then packed those precautions, but did we use them? Nope! So, what happened? We got sick. Not just a little bit but a bunch. All because we failed to use the gifts given to us.
Sometimes we not only fail to see the obvious gifts given to us, but we don’t even use them. As you start to study Vaera consider the gifts being bestowed upon Israel as they begin to prep for their exodus. When faced with harder labor, what skills were being made available for them to apply? When faced with plagues in their land what lessons were learned that would be applied later?
Here are some gifts we often overlook: learning to make something out of nothing, learning to have self-control or being creative when you don’t have much, as well as developing inward and outward strength in the face of extreme trials.
Prepare for His Dwelling
In Vaera we learn that Israel is given a picture of hope in that Yahweh not only wants to take them out of bondage, but He “desires to dwell among” them (Exodus 29:46). The book of Revelation tells us that these same intentions remain for Yah’s people. (Revelation 21–22). If these two books show the outline for His good intention to dwell with us, shouldn’t we be preparing for the Exodus? If so, please note the first steps Israel has to take to get ready. They are faith steps in areas of renewing hope, introspection, and trust. These beginning steps are critical for Him to dwell with us. In short, how is the house cleaning of your heart coming along?
Listen and Follow
YHVH has given us commands to follow and a life to live. He tells us that His commands are life (Deut. 30) and that He chose us before the foundations of the world (Eph 1). When we follow His commands, we are in His Will. It is His Will for us to be better neighbors, spouses, and citizens. Remember His laws are life! So, if we are doing these things, then everything that comes our way is still in His Will. I hear so many people say to me, “I don’t know if I should take this job—is it Yah’s will?” Really? It showed up. Step forward in faith and take it as long as it does not go against His Laws. He’ll teach you to like the new job.
This lesson wasn’t just for Israel, it was for Moses as well.
Now the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Go, tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the sons of Israel go out of his land.” But Moses spoke before the Lord, saying, “Behold, the sons of Israel have not listened to me; how then will Pharaoh listen to me, as I am unskilled in speech?” Exodus 6:10-12
Let’s put this into modern-day language. It might go like this, “I tried this job before Father and I failed terribly. I don’t have the talent for this kind of work so pick another one for me or find someone else.”
When we doubt the calling of Yahweh, we undermine his ability to nurture us, to change us, and yes, even to educate us. Moses just needed to show up to the workplace. Yahweh told him that He would do everything else. Does this mean Moses was lazy? No way, once he caught on, he woke up with staff in hand ready to go at any hour of the day. Hallelujah!
Don’t Get Discouraged. It Ain’t Over till It’s Over
How many people do you know that make a decision to follow the Lord, make a change, begin down a new path, only to find heartache or despair? Maybe they were blissfully happy before accepting Yah and now everything is upside down. Moses felt this. He said to Yah, “Ever since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has done harm to this people, and You have not rescued Your people at all.” Exodus 5:23
Maybe you have said something like, “Ever since I started praying and changing my direction all these things have happened to me.” Stop it! We must remember that there is an evil one who does not want us to give up our past life. He wants us to remain in bondage to a kingdom that is not everlasting. Despair then becomes a weapon to defeat hope. Notice what happens to Israel even after Yah’s promise:
“Then I will take you as My people, and I will be your God; and you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from under the labors of the Egyptians. 8 I will bring you to the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and I will give it to you as a possession; I am the Lord.’” 9 So Moses said this to the sons of Israel, but they did not listen to Moses on account of their despondency and cruel bondage.” Exodus 6:7-9
Granted our love towards Him can grow cold when there has been silence. As humans, we need touch, especially love. Jilted lovers make terrible tyrants. We begin to lose hope in being freed from our slavery and start to succumb to the ways of the world rather than unto the ways of the Eternal Kingdom if we don’t feel Yahshua. Don’t let the cruel bondage overtake you. The only way to step out of bondage is to step forward in faith to the One Who gives Life.
The prophet Isaiah gave these words from YHWH,
“Your wisdom and your knowledge it has perverted you and you have said in your heart “I am.” Isaiah 47:10.
This text is, of course, a direct reference to the Pharoah who continued to harden his heart towards Yahweh. He did so because he viewed himself as the “god” of his destiny. We can’t fall down this path—it only leads to destruction. Allow Yahweh to reign. Stay the course and follow only Him.
Preparing for Exodus is the Beginning of Receiving
These beginning steps of exodus talked about in Vaera are the foundational building blocks in learning about the gifts Yah has given to you. Why do I say this? Because it takes an event to wake us up to the fact that we are children of Yah in great need. We need His mighty hand to take us out of bondage. If we allow Him to lead, the gifting of the Spirit will open and bestow gifts that create, lead, judge, heal, assist, teach, and even motivate.
This is why I like Moses so much. If ever there was a man who was trained to be the leader of a nation—it was Moses. He had the gifts, the education, and the knowledge to proceed. But what came out of him takes us all by surprise. He continually told Yah, that he couldn’t speak. This tells me that Moses had and was still learning to humble himself before the Almighty. Are you ready to allow Yahweh to reveal your gifting? He may not give you what you think you are best at during these first steps. Just remember it was He who created you, so be humble.
Be blessed this Sabbath,