Back in high school, I made a poor decision. A friend of mine wanted me to smoke some “weed” with him. Being naïve, I went along with it but was not too happy with my decision the next day. My misstep could have caused me to lose my position as student body President and even be kicked out of school. Fortunately, a friend of mine confided in one of the teachers who called me into his office. Upon hearing my story, he chose to keep my lack of judgment confidential as long as I would not do it again. In short, “my sin” became hidden from the public, but remained very apparent between the teacher and me.
One of the most famous and well-quoted stories in the Torah is found in Exodus 32. It is the account of Israel worshipping an idol formed as a golden calf after they were rescued by Yahweh from Egypt. The event strikes interest with most readers and comes with many explanations as to why Israel would do such a thing. There are others as well who see the swift and immediate judgment by God to be vindictive. But is there something more to the story?
After Israel’s grave sin of committing adultery with the golden calf, Moses appeals to Yahweh, by asking to atone for Israel’s sin, inquiring of Yah to blot out his name from the court of Heaven. However, Yahweh reminds Moses that any blotting out of “The Book” will be His decision and that Moses should continue to lead. At this point, everything seems good, but YHWH makes one more judgment towards the people.
“The Lord smote the people, because of what they did with the calf which Aaron had made.” Exodus 32:35
Why would Yah do this and what does “smote” exactly mean? Some say it refers back to the striking down of those who caused the sin. Some say it is about future infestation of disease. Well, others claim Israel felt the infliction of disease from Yah right then—which seems to line up with the Hebrew word used in the text: nagap (H5062). All I know from reading this text, is that Yahweh is very upset with His people.
Stop for a moment and put this into a modern context
Imagine you rescue a woman from slavery. You fight for her and you clothe her. She then marries you and vows to follow you. After that, you meet with your favorite builder who will help implement a glorious estate for both of you. While meeting with this builder, your wife cheats with another man. Not just any man, but a complete jerk. Would you be upset, angry, or hurt? Would you consider that your wife is not ready to lead a new life and needs a “counselor” to bring her back to you? Or maybe a good dose of “smote” would be a great “wake-up call” instead.
The Rest of the Story:
In Exodus 33, Yah speaks to Moses again and tells him to go up to the land and that He will provide an angel to go before them. By doing this, He, YHWH will no longer reside in their midst, meaning He will no longer be inside the camp. Why?
“Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; for I will not go up in your midst, because you are an obstinate people, and I might destroy you on the way.” When the people heard this sad word, they went into mourning, and none of them put on his jewelry. For the Lord had said to Moses, “Say to the sons of Israel, ‘You are an obstinate people; if I were to go up in your midst for just one moment, I would destroy you. So now, take off your jewelry that I may know what I shall do to you.’” So the sons of Israel stripped themselves of their jewelry, from Mount Horeb onward. Exodus 33:3-6
It’s in this text that we see and understand a God who is communicating with his adulterous bride. Consider the following: 1) Their jewelry helped to make a foreign god and it is a reminder of committing adultery with this god. It’s here we must remind ourselves that YHWH adorned His bride with jewelry when he took them out of Egypt. 2) Their sin was so grievous and so adulterous, that the very presence of Holiness could destroy them if He remained in the camp.
What is Yah’s Solution for His Bride’s Sin Problem?
Now Moses used to take the tent and pitch it outside the camp, a good distance from the camp, and he called it the tent of meeting. And everyone who sought the Lord would go out to the tent of meeting which was outside the camp. And it came about, whenever Moses went out to the tent, that all the people would arise and stand, each at the entrance of his tent, and gaze after Moses until he entered the tent. Whenever Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud would descend and stand at the entrance of the tent; and the Lord would speak with Moses. When all the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance of the tent, all the people would stand and worship, each at the entrance of his tent. So the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend.
Exodus 33:7-11
It seems that the first solution is to provide a tent outside the camp for the safety of the bride. We also see the picture of an intercessor between God and man. At first glance, we might view Moses to be the intercessor for the bride. But is Moses the only one? Later in this chapter, we know that no one can see the face of Yah (Abba the Father) and live. So, how does one live in the presence of the Father? And how is it that Abba the Father speaks face to face with Moses? Is it the Father or is it another “counselor?” Let’s read on:
Moses said, “Please, show me Your glory!” And He said, “I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of the Lord before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion to whom I will show compassion.” He further said, “You cannot see My face, for mankind shall not see Me and live! Then the Lord said, “Behold, there is a place by Me, and you shall stand there on the rock; and it will come about, while My glory is passing by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. Then I will take My hand away and you shall see My back, but My face shall not be seen.” Exodus 33:18-23
The apostle Paul writes to the church of Corinth (a church that had temptations toward idol worship). He states:
“For I do not want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, that our fathers were all under the cloud and they all passed through the sea; and they all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and they all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Yeshua the Messiah.”
I Corinthians 10:1-4.
So, what is the solution if we wish to partake? The solution is Yeshua the Messiah. He is the bread and the water of life. Sadly, many chose not to partake and Paul reminds us of what happens with this group.
“With most of them God was not pleased; for their dead bodies were spread out in the wilderness.” I Corinthians 10:5
How does this all relate to Exodus 33?
Within the text, we can see that Moses was put in the cleft of the rock. That Rock was Yahshua from whom protection was provided against the Holiness of YHWH, for even Moses was born into sin. This “Rock” intercedes for us even now as related by the Apostle Paul. Hallelujah! He covers our sins with His Hand so that we may live when the Face of Yah is revealed!

The Story Continues
Moving forward to chapter 34, we see Moses cutting out the two stone tablets for a “renewed covenant” between Yah and His people. Whereas the first time the tablets were by the work of Yah. (Exodus 32:16) This renewed covenant will cause the people to build a tabernacle for YHWH by their own hands so that they will remember the True Intercessor. What will be in this earthly tabernacle erected by man? It will be the ark of the covenant which carries the mercy seat–the blood of the Lamb. This is why we keep the commands of Yah and love Him will our heart, soul, and mind. We become invested.
As this Biblical story unfolds through the Writings and the Prophets as well as the New Testament, how do you see the works of our Creator “renewing His Covenant” with us?
Be blessed this Sabbath,