Bo, Enter, Go!
Shemot (Exodus) 10:1 – 13:16
YirmeYahu (Jeremiah) 46:13–28
Mark 3:7-19; Luke 2:22-24; 22:7-30; John 3:1-10; 19:31-37; Acts 13:14-17; Romans 12:1-10; 1 Corinthians 11:20-34; Colossians 2:9-17; Revelation 5:9; 8:6 – 9:21; 16:1-21
Anything having to do with Zion has a bad rep these days throughout the world. The avowed enemies of Israel use it in an accusatory way all the time. Bad actors have hijacked the concept of ‘Zion’ to deceive the religious into supporting their agendas to control and dominate people. The devil counterfeits, corrupts, and hijacks everything righteous possible. Zion is in travail over the ‘controversy of Zion’ (Isaiah 34:8) as the birth pangs of Zion are upon us (Isaiah 66:8, Jeremiah 4:31, Micah 4:10, Romans 8:18-23)
But should we allow the adversary to control and dominate the narrative on what ‘Zion’ should mean to the believer? Should we give the term over to be the stronghold it is in narratives against the people of Israel? What do the 161 Scripture verses say about Zion? What are Yah’s purpose and plan for Zion and is it in the Torah?
The Origins and Purpose for Zion
The first occurrence of Zion tells us it is a stronghold and it is the city of David; let’s read II Samuel 5:7:
And David captured the stronghold of Zion. It is the city of David.
We then read that Zion’s purpose was for David to live there as the king of Israel and to build up his family and the city of David. There YHWH was with him and made him great. From the Psalms, we know David had a heart after Yah and loved His Torah. Because of the covenant relationship he had with Elohim, the blessings of the Torah became true for him at Zion. Here is the promise that our Elohim has for David and for anyone who hears, believes, and obeys His commands:
Yahweh will make you the head, and not the tail. You will be above only, and you will not be beneath; if you listen to (Shema) the commandments of Yahweh your God, which I command you today, to observe and to do… Deuteronomy 28:13, WEB
We know the ark of the covenant and the very presence of YHWH was on Mount Zion before the first temple was built by Solomon. In the second occurrence of the name Zion (1 Kings 8:1), King Solomon assembled the elders and the heads of the tribes of Israel to bring up the ark of the covenant from Zion. Zion is the original dwelling place of YHWH in the place that He chose to place His Name – Jerusalem.
No pagan origins, no satanic purposes here! Zion throughout the Scriptures is prophetic of the same original purposes for Yah’s people as He has for us today:
- To be a stronghold and fortress for Yah’s family that the enemy cannot tear down
- To be an elevated place of the presence of Yah where He gathers His people
- To be a place where Abba prospers us and makes us great, the head not the tail
The Prophetic Picture in the Name Tsiyon:
What do the prophecies of Zion tell us about Abba’s purposes and destiny for us today?
The first prophecy to look at is in the meaning of the name ‘Zion’ – ‘Tsiyon’ in Hebrew – ‘a parched place.’ How do the ancient pictographs show a ‘parched place,’ i.e., a desert? Tsiyon is spelled ‘tsade, yod, vav, nun.’ In its context, let’s look at it letter by letter.
Tsiyon’s root word is ‘tsiy’ – an issuing out (tsade) by the working hand (yod). When the children of Israel left Egypt, they were issued out by the working hand, the Yod of Yeshuat YHWH. No man nor device of man set the children of Israel free, nor shook off the chains of slavery from off their necks, the right hand of Yeshuat YHWH did.
The Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible (Jeff Benner) describes the root word ‘tsiy’: The desert nomad’s life was a continual traveling from one location to another always hunting for pastures. The stars and terrain served as landmarks to guide the nomad on his journey. The parent root is related to migration as an issuing out. (English: sign)
The next two letters of Tsiyon – vav, nun – picture the Messiah connecting us to His Life. The vav pictures the clenched nail of the right hand of Yeshua connecting us to the imparting and quickening of Resurrection Life by His Spirit. Our relationship is secured.
Here’s a prophetic picture of the Gospel at work in the life of the believer! What does the parched place have to do with the issuing out by the Messiah?
Just as the children of Israel were issued out of the house of bondage in Egypt into the desert wilderness, so is each born-again believer that Yah issues out of the womb of this world. Abba sends His people into a parched place of testing and trials to purge, purify, and refine faith in Yeshuat-YHWH. The wise shall understand. (Daniel 12:10)
In other words, Tsiyon is a picture of those who have been sent out into a desert place to experience the new life of the Messiah and growth in the Spirit. In the desert, we learn to depend completely on our Father in Heaven to provide all our needs.
Tsiyon also pictures the destination for the exodus of the exiles of Israel returning home. Though they started in a spiritually barren and ‘parched place’ like Egypt, though they’ve migrated through the desert wilderness place for their faith to be refined, they will come to a destination called ‘Tsiyon’ where they will be like seed (nun) planted, never to be uprooted again. There we will prosper, multiply, and be fruitful as pictured by King David on the original Mount Zion. Zion is not just a physical place in Jerusalem, but it starts with the place we find in our hearts in the journey of life following Yeshua the Messiah.
Isaiah’s Prophecy of Zion and the Exodus from Egypt
Out of the 161 verses that include the name ‘Zion,’ let’s look at a prophecy that holds common threads with our Torah portion ‘Bo’ and the exodus of the children of Israel from miserable Mitsrayim to go worship YHWH on a mount, eventually being – Mount Zion:
Isaiah (Yeshayahu, Yah saves) 52:1-2
Awake, awake! Clothe yourself in your strength, O Zion. Put on your beautiful garments, Jerusalem, the holy city: for from now on the uncircumcised and the unclean will no longer come into you. Shake yourself from the dust, rise up, O captive Jerusalem! Loose yourself from the chains around your neck, O captive daughter of Zion!
Are we in a time of great awakening? Many say we are. But like false ‘Zionism’, there are phony awakenings, like among those who call themselves ‘woke.’ Yes, the uncircumcised and unclean have entered the physical city of Jerusalem, the set-apart city, but we know Yah will one day stop them at a time of the real awakening to the ways of YHWH. Isaiah cries out to Yah’s people to WAKE UP! Now is the time to arise!
In Messiah Yeshua, we don’t have to be bound by the chains of religion, any religion, not just Jewish, but Christian, Muslim, deists, agnostic, atheist, satanic – you name the chain. We don’t need to be bound by political chains either, for Yeshua said that His Kingdom is not of this world. (Jn 18:36) Where the Spirit of YHWH is, there is liberty! (2 Cor 3:17)
So how do we shake ourselves up and loose the chains off our necks? By characterizing all Jews as Zionists whose movement should be hated and condemned? By characterizing Christians as Constantine holding to their pagan roots? Will preaching against paganism on both sides of the spectrum be enough to wake us up?
In the context of cutting off the natural branches, Paul said about us who have been grafted into the natural olive tree:
For if God did not spare the natural branches, fear that it may be He will not spare you either. Behold, then, the kindness and severity of God: On those having fallen, severity. But on you, kindness, if you continue in the kindness. Otherwise, you will also be cut off.‘ Romans 11:21-22
We must continue in kindness towards the natural branches, or we could be in danger of being cut off again. We must not shake them off, but abide together with them in the olive tree of Yeshua, Who is the Tree of Life.
Let’s move on with Isaiah’s prophecy on the restoration of Zion:
For thus says YHWH, “You were sold for nothing and you will be redeemed without money.” For thus says Adonai YHWH, “My people went down at the first into Egypt to reside there; then the Assyrian oppressed them without cause. Isaiah 52:3-4
The children of Israel down in Egypt gave their very souls over to Pharaoh in exchange for food and other necessities of life. In the end, what did they get in return? Nothing but a harder, more difficult life of getting out the widgets of bricks for their cruel taskmasters. Both exiles to Egypt and Assyria ended up under harsh oppression.
Doesn’t that sound like the children of Israel’s experience scattered throughout the world today? Averaging out the national debt of the USA today, each citizen owes about $100,000 in debt, and it keeps climbing. Debt is the currency of slaves. Trust the Good News that the God of the impossible redeemed us through the work of Messiah without money by paying for us with the precious blood of the Lamb. Yeshua is our Jubilee!
Now therefore, what do I have here,” declares YHWH, “seeing that My people have been taken away without cause?” Again YHWH declares, “Those who rule over them howl, and My Name is continually blasphemed all day long. Isaiah 52:5
One way we are persecuted without cause is by accusing us of ‘Zionism.’ Is there a just cause for howling against us with that accusation? Those who blaspheme the merciful character and the Name of our God and Savior have no just cause for fomenting hatred and rallying the nations with cries like ‘Death to America!,’ ‘Death to the Jews! and ‘Death to the Zionists!’
Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1
The kings and rulers of the earth have set themselves against us.
Why do they hate ‘Zionists’ so much that they use the term in a common thread of propaganda against us? Is it really because ‘Zionists’ are trying to take over the world by implementing ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’?
By the way, an honest look at history will find that ‘The Protocols of Zion’ was a propaganda tool by the Russians to persecute and kill Jews. Many twisted accusations, mixed with truth, falsely portray all Jews as a race with evil czars who covertly infiltrate and manipulate markets and other systems, to take over the world. Yes, some have used the irrevocably gifted scepter (Genesis 48:8-10, Rom 11:29) to gain power and control over peoples and systems of the world. But to characterize all Jews in this way, especially all who occupy the Land of Israel today, is what many would call – racism. Am I wrong?

Why do adversarial nations who have a covenant with death hate ‘Zionists’? Remember ‘Tsiyon’ is a picture of a place where those whom YHWH has issued out of slavery and bondage have found a place to be planted and spring up with life and growth in the Spirit. Tsiyon pictures an impenetrable stronghold fortress of His abiding presence. Ha’satan does not want anyone journeying there. Our adversary is doing everything in his power to keep us from arriving at Zion in the end days. (Rev Chapter 12)
But praise be to Yeshuat YHWH, our adversary will fail with his attempts to destroy Zion. John prophesied that the Lamb would stand on Mount Zion with 144,000 having His Name and the Name of His Father written upon their foreheads. (Revelation 14:1) From every tribe of Israel, Judah being the first listed, the 144,00 will prevail as Israel from Zion in the end.
“Therefore My people shall know My Name. Therefore on that day, I am the One Who is speaking, ‘Hineni (Here I am).‘” Isaiah 52:6
The Name of the Lamb and His Father written upon foreheads means that they will have the Name of the true God on the forefront of their minds at all times. What Name is that? I’m not sure, but I believe it’s the same Name that Moses declared at the Red Sea crossing when he said to the people; “Fear not. Stand still and see ET-Yeshuat YHWH.” (Exodus 14:13) In the Book of Revelation, Yeshua declared Himself to be the Alef and the Tav three times. Yeshua is the right hand of YHWH extended visibly to save us!
How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces shalom and brings good news of happiness, who announces Yeshuah (Salvation), and says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices. They shout joyfully together; for they will see with their own eyes when YHWH restores Zion. Break forth, shout joyfully together, you waste places of Jerusalem! For YHWH has comforted His people, He has redeemed Jerusalem. Isaiah 52:7-9
To whom do the bearers of the Gospel bring the good news of happiness, announcing Yeshua? To Zion! To those who have been issued out of their miserable Mitsrayim and out of the house of bondage. The evangelist proclaims, “Your God reigns!” That’s not what the devil wants anyone to hear. To his demise, Lucifer wants to reign on Mount Zion; he doesn’t want Israel there at all. No wonder he hates the idea of Zion so badly. He can’t stand it when the bearers of Good News say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
Do we rejoice when the lovely feet of those who bring this good news come to declare to Zion the reign of the Messiah from Mount Zion? Will we with a united voice shout together when we see with our own eyes the restoration of Tsiyon in Yerushalayim? My prayer is that Yah’s people come together and rejoice, saying to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
YHWH has bared His holy arm in the sight of all the nations, that all the ends of the earth may see ET-Yeshuat (the Alef-Tav Salvation) of our God. Depart, depart, go out from there. Touch nothing unclean. Go out of the midst of her, purify yourselves, you who carry the vessels of YHWH. But you will not go out in haste, for will you go as fugitives. For YHWH will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard. Isaiah 52:10-12
Wow! Can you see the Exodus connection here? For the whole Egyptian army and for all of Israel to see together, YHWH revealed His Yod, the mighty right hand at work delivering His people at the Red Sea crossing. There, Alef Tav-Yeshuat took His yod, His mighty right hand, and pulled off the chariot wheels, so that they drug heavily (Exo 14:25) and couldn’t drive out. You watch, O Zion, He is going to save the day again!
The same Hebrew word for ‘heavily,’ kabad, is the same root word for Pharaoh ‘hardening’ his heart. The oppressor reaped what he sowed. His heart was heavy with the substance of his great kingdom, so he wouldn’t let the people go. Pharaoh’s chariot and his heart must have been heavy when the walls of seawater came down on his head. The same kind of demise will come to all who oppose Yah’s people leaving his reign of terror and mind control for Mount Zion where our God reigns! HalleluYah!

Amazingly, the cloud by day and pillar of fire by night, the glory cloud of the Angel of God (Yeshua), went before Israel leading the way to the other side of the Red Sea, and went behind the children of Israel as a rear guard between their camp and Pharaoh’s (Exodus 14:19). In like manner, the stronghold of Zion is Yeshua to His disciples. A mighty fortress is our God! In the end, our Messiah will succeed at installing His chosen at Zion.

As I was writing this commentary, a sister in our congregation sent me a link to this excellent article warning us not to try destroying each other’s identities. It casts a vision for a better future with the restoration of the two houses. On Mount Zion, all 12 tribes shall be re-united.
One of the authors, Tim Hegg, has been a well-respected writer for Hebrew Roots for over twenty years. Tim was one of the makers of the successful HaYesod (the Foundation) series offered by the First Fruits of Zion (there’s that name again). Leslie and I recommend it. We took the course about 20 years ago and others have taken it recently at Cornerstone (no coincidence) to lay a cornerstone foundation for our faith walk. Each one of us should be careful to lay down for our lives a well-balanced foundation from ‘all the counsel of God’ (Acts 20:27) as the apostle Paul had done. The article is long, but it is well worth the read (click link below).
Jews, Gentiles, and Torah: Exploring the Contours of the Messianic Torah Spectrum
BaShem ET-Yeshuat YHWH!