Are you longing for a rest? If you have been fortunate enough to ever go on a vacation, I’m sure you would agree it’s on the 3rd day you finally feel “rested” enough to enjoy the break; and on the 7th day, you’re to the point of staying. Have you ever considered how these time frames for rest are almost Biblical in nature?
Joseph went on “a vacation” of sort due to the ill will of his brothers. His vacation experience was visiting a pit, serving as a slave and going to prison. Though once recognized, Joseph began a new life. When called by Pharoah, Joseph was given the name of Zaphnath-paaneah, which means “Treasury of the glorious rest” (H6846 Gen. 41:40-45). The study of Miketz or “at the end of” should cause us to consider what this glorious rest is all about.
After providing a full interpretation of 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine for Egypt, Joseph was not only given a new name, but he was given a magnificent job description by Pharoah: You Joseph will be called a “Treasury of glorious rest.” You shall be over my house, your word will rule, and only in the throne will I (Pharoah) be greater. I will set you over all the land, you will hold the signet ring, and you will be arrayed in robes of linen and a gold chain. You will be given the royal chariot and all shall bow before you. No man shall lift a hand or foot without you. And finally, I will give you the daughter of Pharoah. (Gen. 41:40-45)
Yeshua is spoken of in a similar fashion, “He (Yeshua) will be great, and will be called the:
“Son of the Highest, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.” Luke 1:32-33
But why is Joseph given a wife by the name of Asenath? How does this relate to Yeshua? The Biblical text refers to Asenath as the daughter of Pharoah when she is the daughter of Potiphera (he whom Ra gave). Potiphera was a high priest of On (the strength and vigor) of Egypt. This is not to be overlooked. Asenath means goddess of Neith (a warrior goddess considered to be the mother of all the gods in Egypt). Neith was a creator of the world and the mother of the very influential sun god Ra, who finished the creation after his birth. What would this mean? I believe the picture is found in the name Alef Tav—The Beginning and the End—Yeshua the Messiah—the One Who is lifted up!
“Pharoah took off his (alef tav) signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph’s hand.” Genesis 41:42
“Though I am Pharoah, yet without your permission no one shall raise his (alef tav) hand or foot over all the land of Egypt.” Genesis 41:44
“Then Pharoah named Joseph Zaphenath-paneah, and he gave him (alef tav) Asenath” Genesis 41:45
“. . . and he (Joseph) gathered up (alef tav) all (totality) the food.” Genesis 41:47
In short, Pharoah gave the spiritual power of Egypt over to Joseph “the Treasury of Rest.” Joseph and His God—YHWH would be greater in Egypt. This is profound! The “daughter of Pharoah” meaning the gods of Egypt would be given over to Joseph’s rule and signet ring! The man Potiphera (or priest of On) whom Ra gave would be under Joseph’s authority. Can you now see how this relates to the Messiah? Can you see why the sons of Jacob would come to Egypt and bow before the Righteous One. Can you see Yeshua’s spiritual power over our world? This is the very reason why Yeshua cannot just be a good man. Yeshua shares the throne of YHWH.
“Every spirit that does not confess Yeshua is God in the flesh has no light in them.”
1 John 4:3-4
How would this apply to you or me? The nations of the world came to Joseph for rest. Likewise, the Nations will come to Yeshua our Messiah, and Salvation and come under His Authority. The signet ring of authority brings peace under a righteous ruler, but even more so, those that accept the “seal” of the ring show their visible allegiance to the Kingdom. Does Yeshua claim his people through a seal? Can His people find rest, just like those who sought out Joseph? Like Joseph, Yeshua is given the signet ring to seal those who call Him Savior and bow their knee to Him. “On him, God the Father has placed his seal of approval” (John 6:27).
Those who trust in Yeshua also possess the seal of God, which is the Holy Spirit:
“You also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession” Ephesians 1:13–14.
“. . . lest us fear, therefore, lest perhaps a promise being left of entering his rest, anyone of you should seem to have come short of it. . . For we who have believed do enter into that rest even as He has said, As I swore in my wrath they will not enter my rest, although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. . . . Let us, therefore, give diligence to enter into that rest, lest anyone fall after the same example of disobedience. Hebrews 4:1, 3, 1
In Yeshua, we find rest, for He is the One that not only takes on our sin but brings in The Kingdom of Rest spoken about in the Book of Revelation,
“This is the revelation of Yeshua the Messiah which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must happen soon.” Revelation 1:1
The evil one is a god of chaos and lawlessness and does not want the “saints” to live in rest. His purpose is to create a famine in the land and draw us to a state of hopelessness. But if we put our trust in the “storehouse” of Joseph, the sons of Jacob (you and I) will be saved. The Scriptures are very clear about our need to confess and trust Yeshua as the Messiah.
“And the dragon grew angry with the woman, and went away to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep God’s mitzvot (commands) and hold the testimony of Yeshua.” Revelation 12:17
“Here is the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Yeshua.” Revelation 14:12
Five verses in the Bible refer to a “seal of God” or an object or person sealed by God (John 6:27; 2 Timothy 2:19; Revelation 6:9; 7:2; and 9:4). The word sealed in the New Testament comes from a Greek word that means “to stamp with a private mark.”
Word of the Lord came through Haggai, but this time it was addressed to Governor Zerubbabel. The Scriptures call him a “Prince of Judah”. As the Son of Shealtiel, he is of the line of King David. He had been set up as King of Israel by Persia when the captive people were allowed to return to their land.
Haggai 2:23 states: “‘In that day,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘I will take you, Zerubbabel My servant, the son of Shealtiel,’ says the LORD, ‘and will make you like a signet ring; for I have chosen you,’ says the LORD of hosts.”
YHWH would preserve the Davidic line represented in Zerubbabel. The signet ring is not a secret possession. It’s the outward sign of the authority of its owner. Through the presence of his Kingdom, Yah seals His work and testimony (Yeshua) upon the world. The chosen line of David was Yah’s signet ring. YHWH held the line of David as an inseparable possession. Through this line, the work of redemption would be completed through Yeshua the Messiah. Through this line, the Kingdom would be established forever. It was God’s stamp of authority upon His work on earth.
In Haggai’s prophecy, the governor is “chosen” for a unique and noble purpose. As Yah’s signet ring, Zerubbabel is given a place of honor and authority. Joseph was given a position of honor and authority. The culmination of these prophetic pictures finally rests in the reinstatement of the Davidic line. Judah still has a future as they look forward to the coming Son of David, the Messiah, who would one day “overturn royal thrones and shatter the power of the foreign kingdoms” (Haggai 2:22).
Zerubbabel is also called “my servant.” This title was often a Messianic reference in the Old Testament (2 Samuel 3:18; 1 Kings 11:34; Isaiah 42:1–9; 49:1–13; 50:4–11; 52:13—53:12; Ezekiel 34:23–24; 37:24–25).
The triad of a servant, son, and signet ring created a special combination of encouragement for Zerubbabel in his important and difficult task of reconstructing the temple. As Yah’s “signet ring, like Joseph, Zerubbabel also becomes a picture of the future Messiah. Yeshua the Messiah, who will establish His people in the Promised Land. He too will establish Yah’s temple. “The Treasury of the glorious rest.”

Be Blessed this Sabbath,