B’ha’alotkha, In your going up, In your lighting up
B’midbar (Numbers) 8:1 – 12:16
ZekharYah (Zechariah) 2:10 – 4:7
I Corinthians 10:6-13
Would you agree that we have a leadership crisis in America today? From the highest offices in the land to the lowest, the corruption is so bad we no longer wonder what a good leader is like. Why aren’t righteous men stepping up? What do the Scriptures teach us about the characteristics of a good leader? Is Abba working in you or me to step up and lead others to do His will?
Leaders of the Camp of Israel in the Wilderness
In Numbers 10:11-28, YHWH commands the sons of Israel to pull stakes and journey in an organized, military array. Each tribe had a chief over them to lead their camp. What can we learn about good leadership characteristics from these men?
These leaders were all men appointed to be ‘over the host, the garrison or army.’ The word ‘over’ in Hebrew is pictured by the letters ‘ayin, lamed.’

The ancient Hebrew pictograph shows an eye watching with a shepherd’s staff, representing authority. These leaders were to be like shepherds watching over their host to guide and protect them.
They were also to look for other upcoming leaders to help them fulfill their potential.
We don’t know much about these leaders, other than their names. However, names tell us a lot about a person, who they are, and the reason they were created. In this article, I’ll go through the meanings of each name in the account, looking for leadership characteristics. Regardless of your gender, I encourage you to look for what characteristics you can identify with and what may resonate with your heart.
1. Judah – Yehudah. Yehudah led out first for a reason. The sons of Yehudah led the whole procession of the armies of Israel through the wilderness and into the Promised Land. Why did Yehudah go first and what were they dispatched to go do?
The name ‘Yehudah’ means ‘to praise YHWH.’ They were to lead the hosts of Israel with the high praises of Yah. Praising the Almighty confuses and terrifies the enemy.
The name differs from the Sacred Name ‘Yod Hey Vav Hey’ by just one letter – the dalet. The dalet in ancient Hebrew pictures a door that gives access. Praising YHWH is how we approach the King, and how worship leaders conduct warfare through worship.
Praising YHWH drowns out and overcomes the voice of the accuser of the brethren, who accuses Yah’s people night and day. The accuser does not want you to reach your potential in the Messiah, and accusations are his primary weapon. Praise lifts up YHWH as our merciful King and Judge, Who lifts up His people to be seated with the Messiah in heavenly places (Eph 2:6). Raised up with Him, in Him, we can do all things.
Father Ya’aqov (Jacob) blessed his son, Yehudah, with the scepter that shall not depart from him (Genesis 49:10). The scepter, rod, or staff is a leadership, a ruling symbol.
Not to take up your time, I would encourage you to read about the irrevocable calling on Yehudah and ask yourself Paul’s question:
‘What advantage then has the Jew?’ Romans 3:1
What advantage then has Yehudah in the realm of leadership in the Kingdom of YHWH our Elohim? How are we to relate to the leadership of Yehudah as ordained by the King of Israel?

To find the answers to Paul’s question, please do not go first to the internet or social media sources, but study out Yehudah’s role in the Kingdom of Israel from the Scriptures. Pray that the Spirit of Truth would lead us and guide us into all truth and teach us all things (John 14:26) concerning our brother Yehudah, their leadership role, and how we are to relate with them.
Yehudah remains first when listed among the 144,000 overcomers in Revelation 7:5. Seems to me that Judah and all things Jewish are considered last among other tribes of Israel in the realm of leadership these days. The Lion of Judah, Adonai Yeshua, will make the first to be last and the last to be first (Matthew 19:30). Interestingly enough, Ephraim doesn’t make the cut among the 144,000. Wonder why.
The leader of Yehudah was named ‘Nachshon’, which means ‘enchanter’ or ‘diviner.’ Hebrew words have positive and negative meanings. Like Joseph was a ‘diviner’, these leaders have a gifted ability, a spiritual insight for understanding what is hidden from other people. To ‘enchant’ can come through the vehicle of music and praise. One reason we start with praising YHWH in Spirit and Truth before entering into the Word in our meetings is to open up the mind to the things of the Spirit. Only by the Spirit can we appraise Spiritual things (1 Cor 2:14). By exalting and lifting up the Head, we connect to ‘my noble kinsman,’ the meaning of Nachshon’s father’s name ‘Amminidav’. We know our kinsman-Redeemer to be none other than Adonai Yeshua Himself, the King of Israel. He’s redeemed leaders as well.
2. Issachar, Yissakhar
Yissakhar means ‘there is recompense’ or ‘he will bring a reward.’ These leaders are great at motivating people to reach their potential by rewarding them. Rewards, like words of affirmation, appreciation, and encouragement, are very effective.
Like a donkey who sets his shoulder to the load, these leaders bear the weaknesses of those without strength, not doing what they do to please themselves (Romans 15:1).
Nethan’el, the leader of this tribe, means ‘given of God.’ These gifted guys give out what Yah has given them and give themselves over to build up the people however they can. These leaders are true gifts to the Body of Messiah from Yeshua Himself (Ephesians 4:8).
Why do they give out? Because they are the sons of littleness (Tsu’ar), in honor preferring others out of affection and kindness (Romans 12:10). These guys would give you the shirt off their back. These leaders of littleness look not to their own interests, but the interests of others (Philippians 2:4). These leaders have the heart of Messiah:
For you know the grace of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor so that you through His poverty might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9
These leaders will give out and reward you for doing well, to build you up to become all you can be as a leader in the Body of Messiah and your community.
Zevulun means ‘habitation.’ These leaders are hospitable and love to take in sojourners, strangers, and the down-and-out to build them back up again. They’ll take in the homeless and hungry, giving them a habitable place to feel right at home with them.
Moving forward with Yehudah praising YHWH, these leaders will facilitate the Presence of YHWH in holy habitations, in sanctuaries where YHWH is praised and worshiped. These are the go-to guys who help prepare a meeting place to be the Dwelling Place of the Most High for all who come to worship Him.
The leader’s name ‘Eli’av’ means ‘My God is Father.’ They’re motivated to bring you into the Father’s house, whereas His children, His family, we relate with Him as Father. These leaders will also defend and protect you as a strong warrior does (the meaning of his father Helon). They won’t let the enemy come in and attack their mishpochah.
These priests carried the ‘software’ of the Mishkan, the Dwelling Place. They packed up the curtains and the coverings and spread them when they settled back down.
These leaders are good at covering a multitude of sins by applying the blood of the Messiah and with His love and His mercy. They’ve got you covered!
They’ll bring you under the shadow of Shaddai into a safe, nurturing place.
Gershon, meaning ‘exile’, refers to a priesthood, not at the Temple in Jerusalem, but anywhere in the world serving as mediators between God and man through the ministry of reconciliation among the nations, the goyim. They teach the atonement of the Messiah.
Gershon alludes to the priesthood of the temple of the Holy Spirit for us out here in exile.
Paul led many exiles to Yeshua. He said he was:
‘to be a minister of Messiah Yeshua to the Gentiles, ministering as a priest the Gospel of God, so that my offering of the Gentiles may become acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.’ Romans 15:16
These priestly leaders carry the ‘hardware’ of the Mishkan. They structurally support the Body of Messiah in real and practical ways. Solid in the Word and with great integrity, they are the supportive pillars in their community of faith.
The name meaning ‘bitter’ reminds me of the waters of bitterness in the wilderness that Abba had the children of Israel drink to cleanse their inner organs of the toxins of Egypt. These leaders may say some ‘bitter’ words of correction and reproof, but speak the truth in love. Their reproof will prepare you for effective leadership in the house of YHWH.
Reuven means to ‘see, behold a son.’ These leaders point others to behold the Son of God – Yeshua Adonai. They had seen what they should not have seen, but now behold the exalted Head, the Firstborn among many brethren (Rom 8:29).
Reuben’s father Ya’aqov (Jacob) said that Reuben was ‘as unstable as water, so your superiority will end.’ (Gen 49:4) Some of these leaders may have committed sexual sin and may have dishonored their parents. But beholding Yeshua, the Son of God hanging on the cross, the Rock of our Salvation, means cleansing of sin, deliverance from shame and guilt, and restoration to Godly leadership. No longer are these leaders unstable as water, but declare ‘my God is a Rock,’ the meaning of the name of ‘Elitzur’. Like fickle Peter, Adonai Yeshua turns these once unstable guys into men of faith and integrity, who declare that He is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God (Matt 16:16).
But like running waters reflecting light, these guys are ‘darters of Light’ (Sheu’er). Beholding Him, they reflect the Light of Yeshua to those in the darkness of secretive, sexual sin and other deeds done in the darkness. These leaders lead many out of darkness into the Light. To see the Son is to see the Light of the world and to radiate out that Light is what they do in many ways. These leaders are true sons of Light.
7.Simeon, Sh’mon
These leaders act on what they have heard (Sh’mon) from the Spirit of YHWH. They follow the voice of the Good Shepherd and teach others to discern and know His voice.
Rather than being impulsive, reacting to sins done against their sister (like Dinah), and conducting character assassination in anger, they now wait with self-control until they hear from YHWH before acting on righting a grievous wrong done to a family member.
These guys are ‘the friend of God’ (Shlumi’el). They bring others into friendship with the Almighty Rock (Tzurishaddai). In Messiah, they are ‘a friend who sticks closer than a brother.’ (Prov 18:24) They are there for you to hear you out and to be your friend. What makes a true friend is one who keeps secrets. Being a true friend, these leaders will not share the secrets of others. Their integrity/confidentiality is as solid as a rock.
These leaders are the breakthrough champs! They can break through strongholds and walls of opposition to bring in the spoils of spiritual warfare. Giving all the glory to God, they add (Eliasaph) souls and resources to the Kingdom and His work.
They know God (Deuel) and they know the Divine Messiah, Who can break through the womb of any walled-off soul with the knowledge and grace of the Savior. Like rescuing hostages, these leaders have a knack for reaching hearts with the Gospel for them to be set free from the house of bondage. These leaders believe nothing is impossible for Yah!
These leaders serve as priests who help the believers assemble (the meaning of his name). They have administrative gifts that lead the mishpocha to gather together for the appointed times of YHWH. Their magnetic personalities draw folks together. These leaders are good at planning and coordinating the sabbath and other festival gatherings.
10.Ephraim, Ephrayim
These successful leaders are doubly fruitful (Ephrayim) in everything they do and with everyone they lead. The fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, and peace, abound in their beautiful relationships. The abundant fruit of the Spirit in them motivates others to love one another and to also succeed and be fruitful in whatever they do.
The seed of the Word of God is in the fruit of the Spirit. They also love to teach and share the Word, sowing seeds in many hearts that later grow to become many times more fruitful for the Kingdom. They love to foster spiritual growth and fruit in others.
These leaders have abundant resources to build up faith communities and the communities where they have influence. These guys finance and support the spreading of the Gospel and the advancement of Abba’s Kingdom. These leaders are just super!
11.Manasseh, Menasheh
These leaders are forward-thinking, goal-oriented, and mission-driven. Their vision is for greater works to be done for the Kingdom, with a focus on the Messiah Yeshua. Casting vision in other’s souls means that they cause to forget’ (meaning of the name).
Paul’s leadership focus was this – forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Messiah Yeshua. Philippians 3:13-14
This drive and focus cause the hardships that many have suffered in their past life to be left behind and forgotten. These leaders don’t let the past drag them down and hold them back. These leaders show others what the mark for the prize is to pursue in life and encourage them with new hope and vision to move on with their callings.
In the Messiah, unlike the past, life is now good, and they teach others that Abba is a good, good Father. These guys cheer you on to run the race and to fight the good fight.
These leaders also give out ‘the reward of God’ (Gamaliel) to keep folks motivated, and looking forward to better things, rather than reverting back and bemoaning the losses they had suffered in the past. Their good news of Messiah is that ‘the Rock has ransomed’ (Pedahzur) souls from captivity and has brought them into a new, righteous family, causing them to forget the old family when they’d been bound by sin.
12.Benjamin, Benyamin
Abba says of these brothers that they are on ‘My right hand.’ The right hand of YHWH is Adonai Yeshua. In the Messiah, they’re hard at work building up His Kingdom and training others to do His Kingdom work, beyond just the local spheres of their influence.
These leaders serve to dwell between the shoulders of differing governing authorities, serving to keep them together and not warring against each other. These leaders do the important work of the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18). Typical of the youngest brother in the family, Benjaminites are the beloved brothers that hold the family together.
Acting as mediators or judges between factions, they seek only the Father’s Word on every matter, for He is ultimately the Judge. ‘My father is judge’ is what ‘Abidan’ means. Abidan is the son of ‘my hewer’ (Gideoni). Carving out a necessary agreement between opposing parties, and resolving conflict, can be like hewing a stone out of a rock. But this hard work must be done to fit the lively stones into the building. These leaders work out differences to bridge gaps, building up the Dwelling Place of YHWH.
These leaders serve as judges between opposing parties to restore an aspect of life lost or destroyed by another. Dan in ancient Hebrew is spelled – dalet, nun – picturing ‘a doorway to life’. The experience of one’s life that was lost, destroyed, or shut out by another is restored by a righteous judgment, according to the Torah of Moses and all the counsel of God. Not just enforcing the law, they serve in the restitution of life for the victim and the community affected by the crime or wrong done against the innocent.
These leaders are gifted with discernment and know how to rightly divide the Word of Truth with application to who is telling the truth and what the truth of the matter is. Not lording it over others as worldly judges do, they serve more as ‘my brother is help’ (Ahiezer). In other words, as leaders, they counsel and guide people, to help both sides reconcile their controversy on their own, by their own volition.
These leaders also minister to those who have suffered loss and want retribution from someone. They minister the overriding truth that ‘my kinsman is Almighty, All Sufficient’ (Ammishaddai). The kinsman Redeemer, Yeshua, has bought us back from what was lost by giving us all that we need. Our Father in Heaven is All-Sufficient. If a victim of a crime truly believes that Abba is Almighty and All-Sufficient (Ammishaddai), why should he fight for all he can get out of a lawsuit when all he needs is offered mercifully from Abba’s hand? These judges minister mercy that triumphs over judgment (James 2:13).
These leaders are contagiously happy and blessed (Asher). They always lighten up a group with their laughter and joy; they may even cut a few funny jokes, lol!
These leaders love to put on an ‘event of God’ (Pagiel) for folks to come and enjoy a happy festival. Smiling big, these guys like to say things like ‘Chag same’ach!’
Their call is to pull the ‘troubled’ (Ochran) out of their woes and to bring them into an eventful, happy occasion where troubled souls can lighten up and be happy!
These leaders will be wrestling (meaning of name) with you to become all you can be to bring out your full potential. These guys are like coaches who wrestle with the new guys and chew them out for being lazy and not competitive enough, to help them reach their potential at their skill set. But their motive is genuine love and care for those they train to reach their potential. Their players know it and learn to appreciate it.
These leaders coach their people on how to overcome and out-compete when ‘my brother is evil’ (Ahira). They don’t put up with evil brothers in their ranks but will wrestle them down into submission as warriors. Like Jacob who was to encounter his evil brother, Esau, these leaders are like the Malak, the Angel, Who wrestled with Jacob all night until he was able to master his own manipulative and deceiving flesh to gain what he wanted so that the Spirit of Yah would have dominion over his mind, will and emotions.
‘Having eyes’ (Enan), they see and discern who the evil brother is. These insightful leaders know how to bring the flesh under the authority of the Headship of Yeshua.
The Greatest Leader of All
These leaders took the twelve tribes of Israel through the wilderness following the greatest Leader, Adonai Yeshua, Who is the Glory of Israel. The Messiah is the cloud by day and the pillar by night that shone in the same glorious light that appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration when he manifested Himself (Matthew 17:12).
At the end of Numbers 10 (vs 35 and 36), we see the glory cloud in what is said among Judaism to be one of seven pillars in the Torah. Here we see that when the ark set out, YHWH arose to lead all of Israel and that He defended them by scattering His enemies.
The amazing thing, the great mystery of all times, is that the Messiah is in you! (Colossians 1:27) How amazing – Elohim lives in us! Yeshua Adonai has branched out His authority to His Body to advance His Kingdom on earth. He is gifting us with true leaders.
What’s in your name and your God-given talents? Are you being called to leadership? Let’s seek the Father for what each of us can do to fulfill the great commission!

To the glory of the King of Israel, Yeshua Adonai,
David Klug