Shemot (Exodus) 6:2 – 9:35 Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 28:25 – 29:21 Romans 9:14-33 Like a wild horse, something inside of me does not want to submit to the hands of a master. Most people don’t like being told what to do, especially if it’s by tyrants. Everyone I know wants to be free of the hands…
Author: MVF Silverton
Delusion…or Ignorance?
The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that…
Bricks and Stones
Torah Shemot – Names Shemot (Exodus) 1:1 – 6:1 Haftorah – YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 27:6 – 28:13; 29:22-23; YirmeYahu (Jeremiah) 1:1 – 2:3 B’rit Hadashah – Acts 7:17-36 Have you ever attended a social gathering where everyone wore clothes that looked the same and even their mannerisms were similar? How did you feel among those people?…
What Are Names for Anyway?
Over the years, there has been a phrase passed down through the ages, “Behind every great man is a great woman.” The first printed citation I can find of ‘Behind every great man there’s a great woman’ is from the Texas newspaper The Port Arthur News, from February 1946. This was headed – “Meryl Frost –…
Life in the Midst of Death!
Have you ever wondered how you might die? No, I’m not being morbid in asking this question. I think most of us have asked ourselves questions about death. Sometimes it’s as simple as, “Will people attend my funeral? But many times, it’s a deeper question like, “Will I be able to say what I need…
Emmanuel, God With Us
Emmanuel, God With Us Torah Vayechi – “And he lived,” B’resheet (Genesis) 47:28 – 50:26; 1 Kings 2:1-12; 1 Peter 1:1-9 His mother had named him ‘Ya’aqov’ meaning ‘heel holder.’ Ever since the day he came out of the womb, Jacob found himself holding an enemy off his head from destroying him. Esau, Laban, men…
And He Drew Near
This beginning phrase describing VaYigash, makes me want to know who “he” is. What about you? For those who are students of the Torah, they would recognize this title as belonging to an action done by Judah. But, a New Testament student of Scripture might assume that it is Yeshua, simply by the nature of…
The Turning Point
Readings for Vayigash, And he drew near Torah: B’resheet (Genesis) 44:18 – 47:27Haftorah: Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 37:15-28Brit Chadashah: Luke 6:9-16; 9:11-26 Sometimes staying put is not an option. We either move forward and face our problems, or we retreat and look for a way out, just to find out that that would be disastrous! Who can…
When Dreams Come True
Miketz (At the End Of) B’resheet (Gen.) 41:1 – 44:17 Melakim Alef (I Kings) 3:15 – 4:1; 7:40-51 I Corinthians 2:1-5 What did you dream about when you were young? Have your dreams come true? When I was a boy growing up in rural Wisconsin, I dreamed about being a mountain man in the wild…
There is a Promise…
Are you longing for a rest? If you have been fortunate enough to ever go on a vacation, I’m sure you would agree it’s on the 3rd day you finally feel “rested” enough to enjoy the break; and on the 7th day, you’re to the point of staying. Have you ever considered how these time…