This week, Colorado’s Supreme Court decided to cause further division in this country. By ignoring the lack of Federal prosecution and law, they moved forward to deny President Trump to be on their voting ballot. By doing so, they are setting a precedent for any state to remove any candidate that they deem not worthy. Of course, this is now being sent to the U.S. Supreme Court. But due to their actions, apathetic citizens are rising up. Will this be one of the many steps YHWH takes to wake up dry bones as prophesied in Ezekiel 37? Are believers called to unite or divide?

This week’s study is entitled VaYigash or “And He Drew Near.” What does this mean, who is the one drawing near, and how can this possibly relate to Ezekiel’s prophesy?
I want to approach this study from the human need of drawing towards something greater than ourselves. Many times, we seek to draw nearer to the One that created us. Being a disciple of Yeshua, I can say that I want more of Him daily. I want to know His Will and His direction; so, every morning I draw near and wait. In this week’s study, we get to see the process of how our desires change toward needing Him.
Step One: The process of uniting brothers through humility and confession. (Genesis 44)
Judah states that Joseph is equal to Pharoah and that he would like him to listen. Judah then starts the beginning steps of coming clean. He acknowledges the brokenness of his father Jacob and then offers himself to appease Joseph. Notice the simplicity of this prophetic picture.
How do we acknowledge Yeshua? Do we need to start coming clean about how we have hurt others? In doing so, are we willing to take the consequences? Finally, will Judah and all the brothers have to come clean in regards to Yeshua—a brother they have thrown in the pit?
Step Two: The process of allowing the Spirit to revive and unite us. (Ezekiel 37)
At the very beginning Ezekiel states “O Lord God, You know.” This seems to imply that Ezekiel had no hope in bones, but he did have hope in Yah. He didn’t presume to know what Yah wanted with the bones but was confident that Yah knew. Amid this declaration, Ezekiel was told to prophesy and he obeyed.
Within the prophecy of the “dry bones,” we see the bones stir, they assemble, the tendons connect, the flesh is put on and tissue covers them. Ezekiel is then told to prophesy “to the Spirit for breath,” so that the bones can come alive. Can decayed believers stand on their feet once filled with the Spirit of Revival? Of course, all things are possible through Him.
Why is this needed? As we continue to read Ezekiel 37, we find that YHWH wants Ezekiel to prophesy to the “whole house of Israel” who will eventually form a great army. Both Judah and Ephraim unite. Notice this announcement includes all the brothers from the loins Abraham and Jacob, not just a selected few. Just like the story of Joseph and his brothers who were once cut off from each other, they were brought back by Yah’s Mighty Hand. This will happen once again in the last few days.
“Joseph said to his brothers, please come closer. . . do not be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for ‘God sent me before you to preserve life.”
Genesis 45:5
Many times, we blame our circumstances and begin to draw away from YHWH, but have you considered that your circumstances may be the wake-up call you need to draw closer to Him? Have you considered that Joseph and Judah must and will come back to the land promised by YHWH?
In Ezekiel 37, there are a number of principles that specifically apply to us:
*We must know that our bones are dead.
*We must be willing to walk among the dead.
*We must proclaim Yah’s word or prophecy.
*We must have a foolish confidence in Yah’s Word.
*We must understand that the works of the Spirit are essential.
*We must boldly pray for the works and movement of the Spirit.
*We must believe in revival and a mighty army of YHWH.
*We must not believe that all hope is lost
Step Three: The process of accepting the Messiah and following Him (Luke 6)
“And when day came, He (Yeshua) called His disciples to Him and chose twelve of them, whom He named apostles. . . And He descended with them, and stood on a level place and there was a great multitude of His disciples” Luke 6:17
A couple of things to notice right away in this text.
- Just like there are 12 brothers or 12 tribes of Jacob, there are 12 disciples
- Revelation 7 talks about a great multitude before the throne after the 12 tribes are sealed. Likewise, Yeshua draws a great multitude after the 12 apostles are named.
What can we glean from this? I believe it is obvious. When we hear the voice of the Creator, we must follow to receive everlasting life. He will descend to minister and heal us.
We must also rejoice in the unity of “all” 12 tribes, for it is in this visible process of inheritance that we can enter His Courts with praise!

In closing, let us pray with all our might that we become uniters in the Messiah and not dividers. Let us pray for His will to be done and not our own will.
Be blessed this Sabbath,