B’reshiyt (Genesis) 1:1 – 6:8,
YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 42:5 – 43:11;
Yochanan (John) 1:1-17; Revelation 22:6-21
By building relationships with this Sukkot, some of our like-minded mishpocha increasingly desire to live in a community. We’re talking about how living in separate dwellings on a big piece of property could work for us. Taking it one step further, could we all get along living in one great big house together?
But are we ready for that? Each of us is still working out our salvation from the fallen nature of the old Adam. Thank God the Father has had a plan for our restoration from the very beginning. Our Adonai Yeshua is working on us, preparing us for the regathering of the exiles of Israel back to our homeland. He’s maturing the manchild, raising overcomers to take back dominion over our fallen flesh and the old serpent, our adversary from the very beginning.
Our Future in the Big Beginning
How could gathering exiles live in a community? To see the future, think big and see it from the Big Beginning:
Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, ‘My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure’ Isaiah 46:10
The apostle John saw an awesome vision of the BIG House we will all dwell in at the end of times, seeing the end from the beginning.
He saw the fulfillment of the beginning letter being the enlarged Bet, the very first letter of the Scriptures in the very first Hebrew word – B’reshiyt:

And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, having been prepared as a bride, having been adorned for her Husband. Revelation 21:2
According to this verse, the house is so big, that it’s a city comprised of His people, the Bride of Messiah. From the beginning to the end, the Son of God is building a big house for His Bride.
The Builder of the Big House
Who is building this massive house called the ‘New Jerusalem’? The Hebrew word for son, ben, literally means ‘to build.’ Bringing forth sons builds up the family and continues the family lineage. The pictographic letters, bet, and nun, picture a house and a sprouting seed.

The Son is the ‘Life of the house’ that builds up His growing family.
It is no coincidence that ‘son’ is also the word ‘bar’ in Aramaic, as written in the book of Daniel (Dan 7:13), referring to ‘the Ancient of Days,’ the coming ‘Son of Man.’

The first occurrence of Yeshua as the Son of Man in the Scriptures is in the very first two letters of the very first word B’reshiyt – Bet Resh. Yeshua is ‘the Head of the House.’ The Messiah is the exalted Head Who builds up His Father’s house.
Building by Creating
How does the Son build Abba’s house? The next letter, alef’ in ‘B’reshiyt’ spells the word ‘bara’ which means ‘to create’. The Son, the Ancient of Days, created the heavens and the earth to build a big house for His big family.

‘Bara’ is also the second word in Genesis 1:1 B’reshiyt bara. The letter ‘bet’ pictures a house in Paleo Hebrew and has a numerical value of two. So the second word ‘bara’ is connected to the second letter of the alphabet – bet, indicating that the Son created a house, a BIG house, as pictured by the enlarged first letter in ‘B’reshiyt.’
Wow! Absolutely amazing how the Creator designed the Hebrew language and His written Word for us to know Him! Yeshua, the Son of Man and the Son of God is the builder, the Creator of the BIG house for Abba!
The apostle John knew this to be true, for He began his Gospel with this revelation of Yeshua:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him, nothing came into being that has come into being. John 1:1-3

The Word is God. The begotten Son is God, as indicated by how like-kind begets like kind (Gen 1:25). Yet Yeshua is eternal because He already existed in the Beginning before anything was created as pictured in the very first two words of ‘B’reshiyt.’ When Abba spoke the Word to create, that Word being spoken was Yeshua, the Word of God, Who was God, Who created all things through Him.
In other words, Yeshua is the part of YHWH that created all things through the spoken Word.
On the other hand, we have to admit, that we can’t fully comprehend the Godhead, the Father, and the Son, but simply believe what the Word teaches us by His Spirit.
For by Him, all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Colossians 1:16-17
If He is before all things, then He didn’t show up first as a baby in a manger as some believe. I’ve heard an argument that His flesh, the body of Yeshua, was not God. John didn’t say that. He wrote:
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:14

Putting his words together, you see that ‘the Word was God,’ so that God became flesh. The Messiah in the flesh, born of a virgin, is ‘Emmanuel’ ‘God with us.’
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His Name ‘Emmanuel,’ which being interpreted is, God with us. Isaiah 8:10; Matthew 1:23
YHWH put on an earth suit in the womb of the virgin Mary to become a man in human flesh. When Mary heard the Word of the angel that she would conceive in her womb and bear a Son, and would call His Name ‘Yeshua,’ she believed the Word and YHWH took on human flesh to become a human being. Similarly, we are born again when we hear the Gospel of Yeshua.
Yeshua did not appear for the first time when YHWH said ‘Let there be Light.’ He was not created like the counterpart of Michael the archangel. He is the eternal Elohim:
‘Who was and Who is and Who is to come, the Almighty.’ Revelation 1:8
In just the first two words of B’reshiyt, we see the Son of God to be Divine. Oh, but there’s more revelation to be seen in just the next two words of Genesis 1:1.
Yeshua, the Divine Creator
The next two words in B’reshiyt proclaim that the Son, the Builder of the House is God Himself. The first four words are; B’reshiyt bara Elohim Et, translated as ‘In the Beginning, God created.’ Note that it does not say ‘YHWH Elohim created’ but ‘Elohim Et’ created. Why is that?
Notice that in this verse, the fourth word ‘Et’ is never translated in your English bibles. The stand-alone word ‘Et’ is spelled ‘Alef Tav.’ Who do we look to for the right translation? Yeshua Himself translated it in the Book of the Revelation of the Messiah Yeshua:

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8, NASB
Then He said to me, “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end…” Revelation 21:6, NASB
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Revelation 22:13, NASB

Do you believe the Lion of the tribe of Judah spoke Greek at that time? It makes sense that YHWH created all things in the beginning with words spoken in Hebrew, not in Greek. Referring to Himself as the Beginning and the End, He would not have said ‘the Alpha and the Omega,’ but “the Alef and the Tav.” The Greek language didn’t even exist until the fall of the tower of Babel. When Yeshua went to the Jewish synagogues on Shabbat, the Torah and haftorah were always read in Hebrew. Yeshua did not come to start a new religion originating with a Gentile/goyim language. The Son of Man – Ben Adam, Bar Enosh – spoke in Hebrew and its sister language, Aramaic.
Therefore, Yeshua reveals to His followers that He is the fourth word of the seven words of the first verse. He is Elohim Alef-Tav.’ He is God, the Alef Tav, the Beginning and the End. He is the first and last letter of the Torah and all letters in between. He is the Word that became flesh.
Being the fourth word of seven, the Alef-Tav Yeshua is the center servant candle of the seven-branched menorah that lights us all up with the anointing oil of His Spirit.
Elohim Alef Tav has redeemed us by the power of the cross, a literal, pictographic translation. The process of redemption is pictured in the seven days of creation.
Please see me for a chart revealing Yeshua in every letter in the Aleph Bet. I taught it during Sukkot, and I’ve been asked to teach it again. I would love to sit down with anyone who wants to learn how Yeshua is not just in the words of the Torah and the TaNaKh, He is in every letter of Paleo-Hebrew from Alef to Tav.
Yeshua is the Aleph Lamed, the first two letters of Elohim, its root word being ‘El.’ Pictographically, He is the Mighty Staff of Authority, the Good Shepherd Who controls the sheep, who willingly submit to Him.
In ways no human mind can fully understand, He is One with the Father (John 10:31), yet He is the Word that the Father spoke to create heaven and earth. The Messiah is the part of, the visible expression of YHWH that can be seen and heard.
Is Yeshua your Elohim? If not, put your faith in the power of the cross, receive Him in your heart, and let Him control your heart as your Mighty Authority, your Strong Controller, your Elohim Alef Tav. He is my Lord, my Master, my God, the Head to Whom I submit and love with all my heart. He is the only way to have a relationship with the Aleph Bet, Abba, the strength of the house.
The Redeemer's Plan for Fallen Man
The Book of B’reshiyt reveals how the first man fell into sin and lost dominion over the earth, yet immediately begins to reveal the plan of redemption. We see the Messianic work of atonement by our Elohim having slain an innocent animal to clothe Adam and Eve. The second Adam, Yeshua, was already being introduced to fallen man.
Victory is prophesied over our old arch-enemy, ha’satan when YHWH told the serpent:
…and I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed; He crushes your head and you bruise His heel. Genesis 3:15
In B’reshiyt, in the beginning, YHWH shows us our victorious future and what our full redemption will be like as sons and daughters of Elohim.
What was the prophet Isaiah talking about when he said:
“from ancient times things which have not been done? Isaiah 46:10a”
What is the work that He is working on that is not yet accomplished in us? If we are honest with ourselves, none of us have ‘arrived’ yet. We all have some growing up to do.
“And your people shall all be righteous; they shall possess the earth forever, a branch of My planting, a work of My hands, to beautify Myself.” Isaiah 60:21
This verse refers to Yah’s people grafted into an eternal, beautiful, and fruitful tree. Wouldn’t that tree be the Tree of Life that is prophesied in the end Rev 22:14,19?
And they sing a new song, saying, “Worthy are You to receive the scroll, and to open its seals because You were slain, and by Your blood purchased us to YHWH out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and made us kings and priests to our Elohim; and we shall reign on the earth.”
Revelation 5:9-10

Did Yeshua receive the scroll as a separate individual from the Father’s hand? Is the Father the ‘first person of the Trinity’ and the Son ‘the second’ as Catholic and most Protestant doctrines teach? Is Yeshua a separate person standing on the right hand of the Father as many think?
That could not be the case, because in Revelation 5:6 ‘in the midst of’ or ‘between’ the throne is a Lamb standing. Nowhere does the Scripture mention two thrones or two seats on the throne. We must simply accept what the Scriptures say and not add to it.
Did Yeshua take the scroll from Himself? That’s where the human intellect fails to understand the Godhead. All we can do is go by what the Word says, not leaning on our own understanding. The Godhead is a great mystery. So let’s not call Him ‘they’ or ‘persons’ when the Scriptures never refer to YHWH Elohim in any way but ‘Echad,’ ‘He’ and ‘Him,’ never in the plural form. We must believe in His Oneness with child-like faith.
But Elohim is plural, some may argue. True, but in the sense of the meaning of its root word ‘El,’ meaning ‘Mighty Authority.’ So Elohim means ‘Mighty Authorities.’ When Yeshua declared that all power and authority in Heaven and earth was given to Him, He declared Himself to be Elohim (Matthew 28:18), God with all His mighty authority. Remember Yeshua had emptied Himself of authority as a Judge coming for the first time as a humble Lamb. For He said:
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. John 3:17
When the Messiah arose from the dead and was exalted back to His seat of authority, the Father in Heaven restored Him to all His offices of authority. When He comes back the second time, He’s coming back restored as the Lion of Judah, the Root of David (Rev 5:5), the King of kings, and the Judge of the quick and the dead (2 Tim 4:1). Read the awesome chapter 2 of Colossians to see this. Glory and honor be to His Name!
The Glorious Restoration of Mature Saints of YHVH
HalleluYah! In the end, in Messiah, all His people will be righteous and have all the dominion as kings and priests that Adam and Eve lost in the beginning. In the meantime, in Messiah, we can begin to experience what it means to reign in life by the One Who has overcome the world through the work of the cross. We can grow up into mature sons of Elohim as overcomers.
Many more Scriptures prophesy the Restoration of Israel – the rising of mature sons of Elohim (God, Powers, the Mighty Authority, the Strong Controller) under the signs of the time in the days of the last generation.
The Creator of the universe declared that dominion will be restored to mankind and that by the last Adam, Yeshua Ha’Mashiyach. He keeps His Word – He will accomplish what He has purposed to do in mankind, since the very beginning. He doesn’t fail at anything He sets out to do. He will perform and accomplish all that He said He would do in those who believe and give their lives to Him.
Unlike the ways of the world, Yeshua subdued our adversary through the humility of suffering and dying on the cross for us and then rising triumphantly from the grave, having conquered sin, death, and the grave. Through the power of the cross, the Alef-Tav, all who believe in Him may reign in victory and with everlasting life!
The Messiah matures and raises up overcomers in those He has regenerated, who are crucified with Him, and in whom His Spirit reigns by the Torah written on hearts:
For this is the love of Elohim (God, Powers), that we keep His commandments, and His commandments are not a burden to us. Because everyone having been regenerated by Elohim overcomes the world, and this is the victory which overcomes the world, even our faith. Who is the one overcoming the world except the one who believes that Yeshua is the Son of Elohim? 1 John 5:3-5
From studying the Book of B’reshiyt (Genesis), we discover the purpose for the creation of the highest order of life, mature man, not just to be fruitful and multiply, but to by faith, grow up in the Messiah. His purpose for all of us is to become as He is in this world (1 John 4:17), and to have dominion upon this earth – in other words, to become a high-functioning overcomer.
The Seven Stages of Maturity in the Believer
Think about how Ruach Ha’Qodesh (the Holy Spirit) moves upon souls void and empty, lost in darkness and chaos – tohu v’bohu in Hebrew. Ponder what it was like at the beginning of your salvation experience:
In the beginning, Elohim Alef-Tav created the heavens and the earth. And the earth came to be formless and void (tohu v’bohu), and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Elohim was moving upon the face of the waters. Genesis 1:1-2
I don’t know about you, but “formless and void (tohu v’bohu) and darkness” describes the condition of my miserable life before I heard and received the Gospel. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! The Spirit of Elohim moved on my wasted, messed-up, but penitent soul. I was born again and re-created in my spirit. My Father has given me a new life in Messiah, raising me up and maturing me to be conformed to His image.
The Ruach Ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit) produces born-again experiences when the Gospel is sown in the hearts of believers, who then come alive to have fruitful lives and grow and mature in Spirit and Truth.
The Seven Days of Creation and Seven Stages of Maturity in Believers
May I propose to you how Abba raises and matures His children by considering the account of the seven days of creation about the maturing of believers? I believe the seven days of creation instruct us in the Divine order in which a new creation in Messiah grows up into mature sons and daughters of Elohim (God, Powers, the Mighty Authorities, the Strong Controller).
First day – The Light of Elohim shines to show the dark, empty, formless state of the life of a soul existing apart from Him. Truth shines to reveal the dark, sinful state of man. Grace shines to reveal the love of Elohim in a cold, cruel world void of true love. The Light of the Messiah drives out the darkness in a soul. When the Gospel light shines on an awakened soul, the new believer passes from the realm of spiritual darkness into the realm of His glorious Light.
Second day – The waters break forth in a new birth by the Spirit of Elohim. The birthing process begins as a soul hears the Voice, the frequencies of Heaven, separated from the voices, the frequencies of Earth. The new creation in Messiah discerns and separates the Voice of the Father calling him to be set apart unto His Kingdom. The number two has to do with separation, to be set apart from the world by a new spiritual birth, which Paul calls a ‘new creation’ (2 Cor 5:17; Gal 6:15; Eph 4:24; Col 3:10). This day is about being born again by the Spirit of Elohim.
Third day – The born-again soul is set apart and begins to grow outside the womb of the world. He is baptized bodily in water and begins to take on shape and form as a new creature in Messiah. The third day represents resurrection from the dead spiritual life as a seed sprouts from the earth. Hearing and living the words of Elohim by the Spirit produces spiritual fruit and more seed for sowing into other lives, which reproduces the Word in the heartland of souls.
Fourth day – The new believer matures by being trained by the Light of Torah, which rules over them like the great luminaries of Heaven. The body of Messiah shines in the universe as written in the constellations. Israel is like the moon which has no light of her own but reflects the Light of the Son. In this stage, believers understand their identity and their place in the Kingdom. Together we begin to observe the appointed times of YHWH, Shabbat, and the festivals.
Fifth day – The Body of Messiah grows and multiplies into multitudes of members, who all have specific roles and higher functions in the Kingdom, like each species in the sea and in the air that have their particular niches in the wild kingdom. Liberated souls have the quickening of Life to swim or fly free in the Spirit, represented by the realms of water and air. True freedom is the ability to move freely in the Spirit, doing what Elohim created us to do in the liberty of the Messiah.
Sixth day – Mature believers now take dominion over all the beasts, the ‘higher forms of life,’ that roam upon the earth at the top of the food chain. Maturity comes with service like livestock domesticated for service under a master to work the fields for production and a rich harvest. Creatures who live wild and free do not enjoy the protection and provision of the Master but eventually become prey to a predator. However, livestock in submission to the Master, live productive, thriving, long lives of service close to the Master under His care, provision, and protection.
Growing up to be like the Messiah, mature believers do greater works of service – building up the Kingdom and conquering evil spirits, principalities, and powers, represented by the predator beasts of the earth. Mature sons and daughters of Elohim must be bond servants, like domesticated livestock serving a Master. Submitting to Elohim (the Mighty Authority, the Strong Controller) is how mature sons and daughters operate in His house and His land.
Seventh day – Complete maturity comes when the believer completely submits and no longer strives working hard to serve and to please the Master, but has entered into perfect rest from doing his own works. The mature servant of Elohim is now only moved by Messiah living in and through him.
With Paul, the believer can honestly say,
“It is no longer I that lives but Messiah Who lives in me. And the life that I now live in the flesh I now live by faith in the Son of Elohim, Who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20

It remains to be experienced by a mature faith that we can enter into His Sabbath rest, totally trusting our Father for our everything.
For we which have believed do enter into rest… So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His. Hebrews 4:3,9-10
Having ceased from His own works, the mature son of Elohim only does what the Father says and does. Striving to meet the needs of the flesh is now over; no longer doing anything right in his own eyes. The mature rest assured in the Messiah’s love, trusting that his life is completely in His hands.
The Sign of Mature Sons and Daughters of God
Love selflessly given out to others, as Yeshua did in His first coming at the cross, is a sign of ultimate maturity. That’s when in Messiah the mature believer identifies with
“It is finished!” John 19:30
The goal of maturation for believers is to be completely conformed to the image of the Son of Elohim, Yeshua Ha’Mashiyach. The lives of mature sons and daughters of Elohim will then be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth as the life of Messiah is reproduced in other souls.
And Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said unto them, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth…” Genesis 1:28
In the seventh millennial reign of Messiah, when Yeshua regains dominion over all the earth, mature believers will share His dominion and reign in life with the King by His Spirit and by His Torah. Multiplication will be so numerous that the promise to the Seed of Abraham to be as the sand of the sea will finally be realized. It’s all a part of His grand plan for the restoration of the dominion and glory that Adam and Eve once enjoyed having dominion on the earth.
Praise YHWH Elohim for what He is doing to mature us, to prepare His Bride for His second coming, and for the glorious future we have in the BIG House in His restored creation! He’s not coming back for a weak and powerless Bride, but a people who are much like the Messiah as ‘more than conquerors through Him Who loves us.’ (Romans 8:37) Thanks be to Adonai Yeshua, our Redeemer, Elohim with us!
Ba’Shem Yeshua Ha’Mashiyach, Who is the third and fourth words of Torah – Elohim Alef Tav, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. Amen!
David Klug